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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. I guess maybe time to put in recover screen and reset. same procedure for X5
  2. also, do you have external device connected? if yes then remove them and restart your box and see if it shows up
  3. press home button twice quick then after few seconds press home button once and let it go and see what happens
  4. remove hdmi cable from box and tv and put back in again, try different hdmi if avaible
  5. you can see catch up symbol while playing channel, press info button and you will see play button inside of almost complete circle symbol before TS so press right arrow and pick up previous program that you want to watch and hit ok.
  6. time shift works only on primary player but if your server offers catchup then you can use that instead of time shift
  7. Ryu


    back again .....
  8. yes. I leave it default.
  9. I dont see anywhere in my 4900.
  10. switch media player and if still happening might be the server
  11. what error do you get? do you have any other version to install and test? where did you downloaded it from? try to download from different place and try again
  12. tomorrow is the last day
  13. Ryu


    from some time now and last I got couple days ago for different buzz device
  14. to save money and why would pay extra when no need
  15. or maybe OP switch from multiple to single login
  16. Ryu


    and I accidentally deleted moms favorite list many times while experimenting and had to setup over and over which was headache and now I can do it freely as I can restore once I messed up.
  17. Ryu


    also, you can create back up of your favorites, setup buzz app in many languages....etc
  18. Ryu


    what version do you have? its coming soon with lots of good stuff. im super happy with it as it made things so easy love it. thanks buzz team
  19. while watching live tv press ok button, then left arrow, green for organize categories, press yellow to show/hide
  20. Ryu

    Freezing problems

    also, connected via wifi or hardwire? using vpn or no?
  21. check your power outlet also to make sure its not hot, neutral, reverse...etc
  22. Ryu


    gone now. thanks
  23. Ryu


    they are back again
  24. try different outlet or different power supply if available.
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