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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. Ryu

    Live tv

    maybe your service provider does not offer
  2. I have mine set to suspended mode and never got issue.
  3. Ryu

    X5 operating temp

    whats your rooms temperature day time, night time and average? do you have more electronics devices around X5 or X5 sitting on top of another electronics device? whats your power mode set to? do you have decent gap between device and surface? mine stays slightly warm and no glitching issue.
  4. Ryu


    sometime brand things give us problem too but really depends on user ends technical skills too. im not saying you dont have technical skills or lack of skills caused this issue but just saying
  5. Ryu

    Live tv

    did you enter epg info when you added server? I would say use xc api option instead of m3u. your username and password is in m3u link. so go to xc api option, enter your portal, enter your username and password and you are good to go.
  6. https://support.myharmony.com/en-us/compatibility in search bar manufacture type buzztv and model type xrs4500
  7. Ryu

    Red Light

    turn off virtual cec switch from CEC settings and see if that helps.
  8. one more day to go
  9. just curious have you ever reboot your box after you got stuck? if not then try to turn on your box now and see if that works now.
  10. do you have a pc keyboard to connect to it to see if that helps. if you do then turn off your box first, connect keyboard then turn on your box and see if that helps.
  11. theres reset button on the side. hold it for 30 seconds. if that don't work then try turn off the box, hold the button and turn it on and keep holding until you see the recovery screen.
  12. Ryu


    not with IR200. mine came with IR200
  13. Ryu


    yup lately was happening with all my boxes with my old Samsung tv. switched to new Samsung tv and all good. after long testing going back and forth, replacing cables, ports, reset box and changed various settings I finally found a solution. go to cec settings in your box and turn off virtual cec switch only. ever I turned off and now no more issue on my old tv. now I use only power button for box to turn on and off both of them. just one click and thats it. I dont use tv power button. if you click box power just wait few seconds for tv to come on. your tv might be quick or might take few seconds. my new tv is quick but only tv takes few seconds. hope this will help
  14. since cache is clear now and try to clear epg now and see if that helps with missing guide on some channels.
  15. no issues here at all. do you clear cache? if not then try clearing cache and see if that helps
  16. if you just trying to highlight all button in categories then it won't turn off all. so you can use red and green button to hide and show all and manually show/hide categories you want.
  17. I personally have many different cheap sticks and never had issue. however, just like Emporium mentioned above good quality, name brand usb3 is always the best way to go.
  18. https://buzztvglobal.com
  19. yup same here. makes no sense to type full name once thumbnails appear.
  20. maybe there was a power outage or loss of power for any reason which turned on your box. here in Africa happens daily for more for multiple times
  21. could be many things. if it was working fine and you changed nothing then maybe yes or no. yes if they are not answering you anymore. no because your credentials might have compromised also, check your internet is fine and your ip is not banned.
  22. if you have spare usb flash drive thenI would say try usb flash drive and use blue port next to sd card for time shift and see if that helps
  23. are you using usb 3.0 blue or usb 2.0? if 2.0 then try usb 3.0
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