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Ryu last won the day on January 17

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  1. also, validate sound settings on SS and post your sound settings info please.
  2. Ryu

    Usb-c U5 data connection

    did you format on pc first?
  3. Certainly, sir. I sincerely appreciate your prompt assistance in this matter.
  4. plus if server is big and no categories filtering options then would be better to get 4gb.
  5. "Added Screen Scale/Position Feature to Device Settings" on my cheap tv I can see missing parts now. thank you sir.
  6. Ryu

    Audio out of sync

    time to time clearing cache helps a lot. especially server has too much content and guide info...etc.
  7. Just curious, are you using the HDMI cable that came with the box?
  8. drunk maybe
  9. not sure if I read correct use tv remote control to adjust picture size and then use recovery options to do whatever you want to do.
  10. https://buzztvglobal.com
  11. if default 0000 does not help then two choice. factory reset box or clear app data. factory reset will reset everything on the box. clear app data will delete everything on buzz app only. so shortest route is make a backup of buzztv app and clear data and restore.
  12. definitely can not wait lol
  13. why not use Buzz6 or Buzz5 app in P6?
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