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Everything posted by nbs.

  1. i just tried changing channels when recording and had no issues
  2. nbs.

    looking for a 4900

    The classic is a really good box for the money
  3. nbs.

    looking for a 4900

    Buzz does though
  4. If you are watching adult channels and shut down it will go back to adult when you start back up
  5. I have never had any issues with pic quality on any model buzz has produced
  6. I knew it came back on its own Had reset on the brain Thanks
  7. No there isnt any settings for that
  8. A little confused how you did a reset if screen is dark? Please clarify
  9. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+reset+a+vidstick&oq=how+to+reset+a+vidstick&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.14884j0j7&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a9541d20,vid:oFqGsmO4C_c
  10. Buzz fixed the issue on your server with the android 9 units Should be fixed soon with the android 11 units
  11. You on Primary player?
  12. No you normally don't have to ask for it. Updates are sent automatically
  13. nbs.

    XC Aip log ins

    I'm talking the buzz players Menu ,settings config
  14. nbs.

    XC Aip log ins

    Have you tried other media player? Account info will not show how many streams are being used
  15. nbs.

    The Classic

    Format it on a PC first to NTFS Than Format it on the box as external storage
  16. Issue was fixed with the last update It was a matter of the service marking the episodes
  17. It's called a reset and it's as simple as pushing a button
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