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Everything posted by nbs.

  1. Have you hit menu button , check updates?
  2. Thats the last public update Benfica posted a beta issue in the public forum which he shouldn't have.
  3. I also switch it out with every other buzz model and it's the same
  4. The volume is fine I run a audio system with no issues
  5. All good!
  6. Probably turned off
  7. Then discuss it with allaboutbuzz
  8. Do a factory set To do a reset input 1986 on remote while on home screen
  9. There were only beta updates yesterday or today
  10. Not on the 4500
  11. Settings device preferences reset
  12. Save your server info and settings to usb first so you don't have to reload all your info You will lose any loaded apps You will find factory set in settings
  13. Might want to do a reset
  14. I backed up my servers and settings to usb and did a soft reset I waited until chrome reinstalled and then restored my settings and server info Google play is now working
  15. I'm going to reset it later and report back
  16. I tried that one earlier with no luck
  17. No difference Also keyboard on chrome not working properly
  18. Ill try that after supper
  19. Did that said not compatible go to settings and uninstall updates I did that and tried other versions and no go
  20. I am having same issue with Google play I did get to a screen where it asked which account I used the mouse to say ok and it stayed at black screen Cyrowth You can use file manager to load apk files
  21. Thanks for posting back
  22. those channels mean nothing as not everyone uses the same service Discussion of servers is not allowed
  23. You need to provide info to get help
  24. Thats not a buzz issue
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