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Everything posted by nbs.

  1. I doubt anytime soon as one was just released but you can hope
  2. Backup will only save your server settings as well as your buzz settings
  3. It was created on Dec 2
  4. nbs.


    I'm sure all the buzz 5 features will be added in time
  5. If there was an issue with the update there would be dozens of posts on it You could try clearing cache If still an issue try clearing data Then a reset if still an issue Do a backup of your server settings etc beforehand
  6. I see advanced display settings. What are you looking for?0
  7. Settings device preferences,display and sound
  8. Send buzz an email with your mac concerning registration
  9. If you are using buzz 5 hit menu button to get guide Buttons are mapped for buzz! 6
  10. Then it's your service
  11. Try your service on an app loaded on the buzz See if it is still an issue
  12. nbs.

    Power options

    Not possible
  13. With all the info posted I'm shocked
  14. Really? You already mentioned it and you had a response today
  15. Menu button ,check updates is for buzz sw
  16. Please don't post your mac address
  17. Have you previously reported all your info to buzz
  18. Do a soft reset
  19. Home all apps .app installer If that's not available you can use file browser
  20. When I said do some reading I meant do some reading in the forum
  21. Do some reading concerning powered drives
  22. nbs.

    BuzzTV 5 A64

    Post more info Post your current firmware and software
  23. I've reported this issue with buzz 6
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