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nbs. last won the day on July 23

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  1. Then it's not recording Go into menu ,change configuration to one button record,open up guide, select a show and hit red button Does it tell you recording starting and red button at top right?
  2. You've single a mac based server or xc api? What are you doing after you set up recording? Shutting machine off ,watching another show Post more info please
  3. Is stream set to hls or ts?
  4. Post more info Firmware software ,stream settings,media player
  5. JDMotes didn't reply but he did post this on another forum C and p Nope, but someone on the STBTalk forum suggested that I try turning off the CEC option on the U5’s setup menu -and so far that seems to be working.
  6. nbs.


    Once you hit the signin with mouse you can use the keyboard normally
  7. Buzz 5 has been out for a while without having those issues You might want to reset your box but before you do that what is your current firmware and software
  8. https://stbtalk.com/profile/1512-streaming429/
  9. There is only one person who can answer that
  10. When you power on it will try to connect to the last server you were using.
  11. nbs.

    Super Sport

    They are not ready
  12. Unfortunately that's not possible
  13. A few more weeks and you'll probably be happier
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