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  1. And have you left it on for 2 hours straight ?
  2. **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON** I powered box up, streamed a channel for over 2 hours in the background, and then only when I went out to the home screen, about 20 seconds later, did it prompt me for an update.
  3. I no longer use my google account on any of my media boxes. I have no need for it. I have all the APK downloaded, and I will not update unless I "need" to update. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  4. Probably some strange glitch during initial setup. I know some of the stuff we ask to try sounds "pointless" to some, but there is a "logic" to the madness Anyhow, glad it works for you now.
  5. I honestly don't you google play store much anyhow. Unless you have a paid app or subscription, it's not too critical. For most of the apps I use, I download the APK files from a number of mirror sites, or I have the APKs already on my NAS server and a USB key and side load them all. Other option is to use APTOID which is preinstalled on the box.
  6. Just curious, are you connected wired or wireless ? I know it sounds dumb but whatever you are connected, try to switch. So if you are wired, try wireless (or vice versa) if possible. You could always try a hard reset to see if it was not some initial config glitch. You can follow this procedure.. Different box, but procedure is the same. https://stbtalk.com/topic/300-factory-reset-hard-reset-xr4500-xrs4500/
  7. Same here.. As soon as you launch play store, since there is no account already on the box, it brings up the login screen.
  8. Glad that worked for you. In the future, any networking issues, including buffering, freezing, etc.. or extreme cases like this one (no wifi detected) First thing to do is unplug modem/router for 30 seconds, and then plug them back in, just to start clean. Especially true if the router is also issued by the ISP. They are typically crap and tend to get overwhelmed too often, by streaming devices. At least the mystery has been solved.
  9. I just tried on my E2, and no issue here. Just enabled subtitles (Closed Caption 1) and still works fine. What type of SUB you using (MAC or XC) ? if it is XC, what Stream type you using (Automatic, HLS/M3U8 or TS) ? If you have Timeshift enabled, just as a quick test, try to disable it.
  10. Emporium

    SD card vs SSD

    I think on Android 9 and previously, yes. On Android 11+ (at least on buzz boxes) not really.. Pretty sure last update will do exFAT on anything over 32G I was surprised when I noticed it.. I can test again and confirm tomorrow when I am working from home. I'll take one of my unused SSD, I'll delete any partition on the SSD on my PC, then insert into U5, format it, then put back into PC and see what filesystem it has.
  11. Emporium

    SD card vs SSD

    If it is not formatted, pretty sure the U5 will be able to format it. You can check the storage screen and it should give you option to format as portable storage (never format as internal).
  12. Emporium

    SD card vs SSD

    I'd probably go with a decent quality USB3 stick as DU mentioned. Since this is a U5, smaller SSD are dirt cheap nowadays also and probably a better option. I just checked amazon canada and NEW you can find 256GB SSD for just over CDN$20. Better speed, more consistent, and will be hidden in the U5 anyhow. microSD is a last resort in my opinion. Keep in mind we have no specs on what speed class the MicroSD card is, and surely the driver is not optimized for speed.
  13. Emporium

    New P6?

    It's the exact same software, so no big difference for support.
  14. Keep in mind that the B5 does NOT have a USB3 port, they are all USB2. It is the entry level 5 series and there were choices that needed to be made obviously. So if bitrate (and any overhead) is too high, it may fail to keep up and timeshift can cause issues. I don't know what speeds the MicroSD can hit on this device, but you "MAY" have better luck by using a high endurance microSD card.
  15. There is obviously something the current player doesn't like in the way it interprets the stream I think the best is to maybe message Buzz with details on which service, what type of sub (MAC/XC..) and which channels are causing the issue, so they can try to see if it is possibly a "bug" in the player. The easier it is for them to reproduce, the better chance of getting a fix.
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