I have same experience with few servers. yes primary has the best experience but if stream source gets changed and not compatible with primary then theres nothing much buzz can do. they can not constantly change player or settings because of servers.
I personally love primary player but I had only one issue with it. for my parents and family friends I usually leave it on suspend mode and like to go to live tv straight from suspend mode but if I leave it for few hours to over night I usually get a black screen (stream decode issue). I believe thats maybe due to stream change or whatever reason. so in order to fix this I have to reboot which they dont like to do it on daily basis.
when I try backup player I dont have that decoding issue and no need to reboot but yeah channel changing is couple of seconds delay. but thats ok and nobody complained ever
so backup player has been rock solid for me and no complaints but option to add external player of choice will be an awesome
end of the day im very happy and satisfied with backup player.