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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. this site does not sell service or provide info regarding service. only support and help regarding STBs.
  2. Ryu

    New Update

    you better return you device. seriously you sound like you freaking spent millions and now want everything perfect and the way you want it. you got stat of the art device with amazing support from developers and individuals on this forum and you are still moaning. just go ahead return it or just follow what they advise you or stop crying.
  3. Ryu

    Wow 😳

    you really think that you are succeeding by bashing buzz in every thread? I feel like you are hiding your intention with your username. you are pretending that you love buzz but in realty you dont. people who own buzz units are very happy. you can not make everyone happy but the dont cry like you because you trying your best to bash buzz because looks like you can not see buzz succeeding.
  4. im still seeing it https://buzztvglobal.com/collections/vidsticks
  5. looks like bts10 code does not work for BUZZTV VIDSTICK IR HD SET TOP STICK.
  6. Ryu


    3. while watching catchup if you press category button on remote it will bring you categories but picture will be kicked from catchup to live tv.
  7. Ryu


    Hello, noticed two issues with catchup on buzztv xrs 4900 and app version buzz5 beta .760 1. when playing catchup and you hit pause it will pause then after that it won't play if you hit play. only way to play agin is to exit and start again 2. while playing catchup you can not press ok button to bring up or explore other channes/categories. only thing works is guide while playing catchup or if you change channel it does ask you to stop catchup and watch live or change channel. so basically you can not check other categories while watching catchup.
  8. thats actually good question. I never thought about it lol. you see me farmer know nothing but here got another added to my post count
  9. and guess what this helping me to increase my post count as well so I am not complaining at all. im love it
  10. @dishuser exactly
  11. well, whatever they feel its good for public and ready to go they have it available for anybody to download. see it your self https://stbtalk.com/index.php?/files/
  12. selective? lol I was not selected but just like many people I volunteered to get beta for my E2 and 4900 not sure why you worried about Mac so much. your Mac is your iptv providers responsibility and it has nothing to do with buzz. its like your tv provider (lets assume you have three boxes) has your Mac/serial address and when you call them and ask them that you have problem with one of your box and they ask you which box. dont you provide hem Mac/serial number? dont you think they have all your info? they won't touch all or random until or unless you tell them which one has an issue because they dont play around. just like that buzz dont play around. hope you understand if not then I can show you a list of Mac and you will find all of your Mac
  13. you were advised here before but opened another thread again but dont want to listen
  14. so why you are asking for then? just wait and it will be pushed to your device when it will be ready.
  15. lol you are sending your Mac address to Buzz not anybody else. however, your Mac address is not hidden from many people over net btw, when you first setup your box and while setting up did it download anything over the net?
  16. yes or no. backup all info and perform a reset. if problem persist then I would clean remote. but do it on your own risk.
  17. Ryu

    BuzzTV U5 quick specs

    great specs with wifi 6
  18. Ryu

    U5 User Manual

  19. I think hes talking about site. I made moderator aware of it yesterday. there nothing you can do at this time until admin fixes it.
  20. I have seen this only once on one server (don't recall server name, randomly picked from online lol) and that happened only on few channels.
  21. no you just need 1 connection and make sure TS is enabled and setup properly.
  22. Ryu

    New update

    I love this adding server remotely makes so easy for me
  23. make a back before you update
  24. Ryu

    Revert to buzz x5 os

    did you check in update. go to settings and click on update and see if update is available to revert it back.
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