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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. QR also printed back of the remote control.
  2. using Mac, XC api, m3u option?
  3. have to you tried to switch media player? if not then try and let us know. you can switch from live tv press menu, settings, configuration, live tv and select player
  4. no harassment but shame on you that you know how to run your network and people dont. is that what you mean right? shame on you bud and on your statement.
  5. please let us know when its on your side
  6. try to switch media player. if its on server side then you need to contact server.
  7. I usually leave remote control front of the box to cover
  8. Ryu


    yup fast login is super fast on few of my servers
  9. Ryu


    I rather see whats happening during the connection so I can tell if server is unable to reach or whats happening. it helps me to see if server is down or slow connection response from server...etc during the connection.
  10. Ryu


    you mean you dont want tv service at boot up? if yes then go to menu while watching tv, press menu, settings, configurations and turn off boot at startup. if not then thats how apps connect to server and gets you a tv.
  11. sounds good. keep us posted bud
  12. is it happening on primary? have you tried to switch between player?
  13. https://buzztvglobal.com
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  14. Ryu

    Guide or EPG

    also, clear cache
  15. Ryu

    Transfer Downloads

    yes its possible.
  16. Ryu

    U5 color space setting

    hire you so you can drive buzz nuts. but yeah you deserve noble prize. sleep well
  17. if you have two different providers then you dont need a two Mac address. just add to servers by going to server settings and add one by one.
  18. disconnect power cable, hold down reset button, plug in power cable and keep holding until you see the recovery screen.
  19. how far is you speaker from your receiver? try to adjust angle and distance and see if that helps.
  20. do you have enough storage?
  21. if hard reset does not work then you give a try to this might work.
  22. use aptoide or side load. your box is open and willing to take however you like to transfer/install.
  23. I never tried that but I think it should.
  24. did you reboot your box after its finished updating to buzz5?
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