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Everything posted by allaboutbuzz

  1. Buddy PM me Was solved there Just to let everyone know, it was a an issue with how the server was being setup Buddy was trying to setup a Streaming line account under Server Line All good now
  2. In our tests This happens because the Server isn't streaming the 4K stream fast enough So this affects playback This would explain why some users say works fine and others have issues on this thread. The 4500 has 0 issues streaming 4K, if the stream you're watching it from is encoded and streamed properly. Lots of review videos show it playing 4K HEVC 60FPS and other formats of 4K playing with ease.
  3. Not right now This is something we have to add to our firmware.
  4. Default player is now main player for VOD/TV Series Secondary Player is now the main player for Live TV Both are optimized to work very well for what they're being used for as mentioned above. And Detail View is the main UI for the channel list Simple View the categories menu is slightly different is all
  5. Answered here Closing this thread due to multiple posts for the same issue.
  6. We looked into this SMB Share isn't added to our Firmware This would explain why it doesn't work right now We will work to add it and update the Firmware with it added in a future update.
  7. Its going well Will be another Beta hopefully this week to address the small issues that were reported If all good, we will send it as official Everyone's welcome to join the Beta program So you can if you want Just send me a PM
  8. When in VOD Press the Red button to open Categories List Press the Red button again to organize categories On here, you will see a list of all categories with an ON/OFF switch If you turn it Off, then the categories will be hidden. After you're finished Press back You will need to reload the VOD to take full affect So just go back to Live, and then re open VOD The categories will now be hidden.
  9. Seems some servers have a lower amount of server requests allowed. Were adding an ON/OFF switch to the Configuration menu in our next update, which you can turn on and use with our next update and the Buzz 4 App will use less requests for EPG. And the reason why you cant login with other apps is because the server blocked your account Usually it is for about 10-15 minutes.
  10. Amazon Prime Video 4K only works on certified devices Were not certified for 4K on Amazon Prime Video So that is why you cannot get it in 4K
  11. I think I know the issue PM me please.
  12. One of our mods made a How To about this
  13. We have plans to add a lot more features to PVR This includes what you mentioned. This will take time though, as it is a lot of work So we have no set date when this will be available.
  14. Oh ok Sorry I read your question wrong No sorry the only 2 learning buttons are the TV Power and Source buttons.
  15. Did you record stuff to your box before? Or download a lot of apps or movies?
  16. Am pretty confident we won't change it on the 4500 The issue on our older models, was it had about 4GB of Free Space, without any apps installed If a user recorded just 3-4 Hours of Live TV, the box would have 0MB left Then not work properly and also unable to take updates and users would blame it on the box. With 64GB you have about 50-60 Hours of Recording to the Internal Storage.
  17. PM me about this Thanks
  18. Yes were aware of this issue Were working with our Remote Manufacturer to fix it, once we do We will include it in our next OTA update.
  19. No problem However its always advised to use external USB Drive or SD card to record onto.
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