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Server ID change


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2 minutes ago, Emporium said:

First you create the MAC server you want, and THEN after it is saved, and you are on the main MAC server screen, when you highlight the server in question, you have the option of RED button to EDIT/REMOVE, and BLUE to CHANGE MAC.

Thanks a lot ! Got it now.

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So, when you don't have the information about the devices ID, what would you do ? (sounds stupid, but I guess you trying to search for one with a devices ID) ? In my case most of the time, I have the portal (server address) and the mac address and with this two informations I'm able to connect to the provider I want.  I thought, I could have the same possibility as Tivitmate allows or even Ott Navigator & StbEMU. 

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2 hours ago, Don Ghana said:

So, when you don't have the information about the devices ID, what would you do ? (sounds stupid, but I guess you trying to search for one with a devices ID) ? In my case most of the time, I have the portal (server address) and the mac address and with this two informations I'm able to connect to the provider I want.  I thought, I could have the same possibility as Tivitmate allows or even Ott Navigator & StbEMU. 

some providers dont care about anything. some lock with your ip, your isp, device id, geo location..etc. I like the one locks with your info so not easy for people to steal. 🙂

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@nbs. I don't really know how they do it, but on some forums online people share MACs and XtreamCode or m3U and sometimes they give all informations about the credentials, sometimes not. 

@Ryu And thank you to help me understand and taking the time answering.  I'm still a newbie and I continue to learn to adopt better practices. 

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Guys, this feature was brought back in order to accommodate people who have issues with their MAC already being on other panels, or being used by someone who generated one randomly, or people who's MAC has been compromised on some server.   If you don't NEED it, there is no point in changing it.  

If you are changing box, then it is not difficult to ask your provider to update the MAC on their panel to reflect your new box.  Even if you "replicate" an old MAC, if the server locks/marries on some other item, like the DEVICE ID, then it makes no difference, since you will still need to ask your reseller to reset you account, so the system can resync with your new "credentials".

Bottom line, if you have no very specific reason for changing it, why bother ?


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1 hour ago, Don Ghana said:

@nbs. I don't really know how they do it, but on some forums online people share MACs and XtreamCode or m3U and sometimes they give all informations about the credentials, sometimes not. 


Hackers hack into server panels and steal info then share it with others.



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