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Everything posted by allaboutbuzz

  1. You nailed it here We have looked at this already And it is a lot of work.
  2. It was provided by Amlogic So its a system app So they do not update it on the PlayStore. There are tons of other Miracast apps on the Playstore So am not sure which one to recommend
  3. If anyone wants to PM me about this issue So I can take a look at it directly Thanks
  4. The Display setting in Android settings is for Resolution It only determines automatically the best resolution your TV can support What you're referring to is Auto Frame Rate to match the content that you're currently watching We do not have this feature right now. Its something we plan to add at a later date though.
  5. This feature comes after we finish - Wake up to Record - Manual Recording + Multi Day Recording - Change Backgrounds on Home Screens - New VOD + TV Shows Menus - New Movie + TV Show Meta Data Which we should finish within the next few weeks.
  6. We don't make this app So don't have anything to upgrade to
  7. Try changing this setting From Home Screen Go to Settings Go to Advanced Settings Go to Picture Go to DNR Change it from Medium to OFF It should help resolve this issue If not, let me know Thanks
  8. This is for Buzz 5 on the 4900 The 4500 will get Buzz 5 in the future though
  9. If you could PM me the issues with the 3000 it would be appreciated Because as of right now, were unaware of any issues on the 3000 It was one of our best sellers with lots of positive feedback during the time we sold it.
  10. The issue with the version of Miracast app is its very old And with the newer phones + android versions that have come out over the years, am sure the protocols + apis etc are outdated I think we will consider removing Miracast in our next update, to avoid complaints and bad customer experience.
  11. This feature was just added internally this week actually It will be added to our next update for all 4 Home Screens.
  12. allaboutbuzz

    Buzz 4900

    categories/green button This only works on channel list Not on grid guide
  13. No date yet But within the next 3-6 weeks, but this isn't final
  14. Will add it to our next update or the one after that. So coming soon basically.
  15. The instructions to program the remote are listed on the back of the remote. We also have a thread for it here https://stbtalk.com/index.php?/topic/410-how-to-program-tv-power-source-key-button/ Its for BT 100 but same steps apply. Just repeat the steps for each button As for record and watch another. Are you using MAC, XC login or M3U? If using XC Login. When in Live TV, press menu button, go to configuration, go to Account Info. Here it will tell you how many connections you have available. You need 2+ in order to record + watch another.
  16. You can do this on STB emulator though. Just the Buzz app doesn't support it. Just change the mac on the subscription to the Buzz Mac/Server ID on your 4900 and you're good to go
  17. You need to subscribe the Server ID in the top right corner of the server settings screen to that server It looks like you're trying to use an already subscribed Mac on the buzz 4900, this is not possible.
  18. Were you dealing with back and forth over Ebay about this issue? If so, I think it was determined your power supply was the issue.
  19. Currently being worked on right now Hope to finish it within next few weeks.
  20. Thinking this over right now I only see this working well for VOD + TV Series As it would be very annoying for Live TV. This is just my opinion, not sure what you think though.
  21. The Buzz 5 app has a way to detect if the server you're using supports record + watch another This only works on XC Login + M3U Servers MAC servers is not possible to offer record + watch another, as they only allow 1 stream per subscribed MAC.
  22. This was fixed yesterday via PM
  23. Yes basically the way it will work is you will be prompted with Android pop up asking which player to use and then option for Always/Just Once. You will need to have NOVA VIMU etc installed on the box in order to use them.
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