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Everything posted by Emporium

  1. I just sent him a short trial for another service to test And at the same time I pointed out that android boxes sometimes add a space automatically after a "," when you are typing in the URL using the remote. You need to go back and delete the space. I typically use the very appreciated web server option since I find it easier to use my PC to enter new servers (especially when using cut&paste).
  2. Is that the screen you still get when you try to connect ? Have you tried a HARD Factory reset using the PIN method ? At the current state, I think you should try it. Here a link to hard resetting a 4500, but the procedure is the same for the majority of the boxes. https://stbtalk.com/topic/300-factory-reset-hard-reset-xr4500-xrs4500/ When you go into the "server settings", have you tried creating a NEW server entry with your provider portal URL and credentials ? What exactly is the message you get when you try to create a new one and connect with that ?
  3. OK.. First... No discussions about specific services on these forums. Secondly, after the factory reset and all, I assume your box took the update ? Does the box boot properly and get to the home page as expected ? If you were using a MAC based type of sub (ie: based on MAC of your box and a portal URL [no username/password]), you "may" need to ask your provider to do a "Device reset" on your account in their panel. That should have been the first thing they did, but sometimes they are too s....... And finally, next time, don't hijack someone else's thread. Start your own.
  4. May need to ask your provider to do a MAC RESET on your account from his panel.
  5. Considering I'm in Montreal, I guess I don't see any real issues (since my ISP is based here also). Guess if you have a VPN server in that geolocates to your city, you can connect, lock the "weather location" in the settings, and then disconnect VPN if you want. The lock feature when it was added, was pretty handy for those who use VPN. Maybe in buzztv6 we'll be able to just "choose"/override our location, instead allowing it only to auto detect (like you can do on most android phones). Or even like the MSN weather app on a PC..
  6. Many ISP will buy or lease IP segments from various other owners as they run out of IPs. However the geolocation DBs can take a while to update. I have one buddy of mine who also buys an iptv service from me, and a few months ago, I noticed that when I check my panel, that he was connected from some IP that the panel claimed was in Cleveland, and Cogent as his ISP (and I know he is from one from the Montreal suburbs). I thought, that was odd, but figured he was either on vacation, or using some VPN. When it continued for a while, I texted him to ask (just to make sure his account was not compromised), but he was not on vacation and not using VPN on any of his boxes, but it was him connected from home. Quick check on various geolocation DBs, shows that some DB had the IP listed as belonging to his ISP, and others had it listed with Cogent. But as the weeks went by, more and more of the geolocation DBs source now say that the IP belongs to his ISP (and at least in canada in the general vicinity). So I guess the IPs transferred owner (or leased) but took a while to propagate. My panel still shows him in Cleveland, but I assume the panel is using some static copy of the DB, so not doing any sort of dynamic query. So unless the panel updates the DB (I have advised them), it will continue to be incorrectly reported. If you just care for the location shown on the home screen (ie: weather), I don't know what city you are in, but you can even use a free "windscribe" vpn account, and assuming you are in some large city which they have a free server in, you can connect to the VPN server, let the box detect the location, and then I believe you have the option to "lock" the location in the new buzztv5. Once locked, you can disable the VPN if you want. There is also protonvpn which offers a free vpn client> Both Free option have a limited number of servers available to "free" users.
  7. Everyone needs stop saying you have the most current firmware update. Just post your firmware and software version please. Also, have you tried going direct HDMI to TV, without soundbar. Just as a test ? Have you tried a NEW HDMI cable, just in case the HDMI cable is not up to par. Very strange that auto switches to 1920x1080. Thank you
  8. Also keep in mind that on the 5 series devices (AndroidTV 11), they are on an AndroidTV platform. Do not confuse it with a standard Android platform as in a phone and tablet. Many app devs create their apps for generic Android, and therefore their apps, even if can be sideloaded, will not work well on Android TV, since the dev has created the UI and assumes use of a touch screen and not a remote. This is a developers issue, not a buzz box issue. It's up to the developers to create an AndroidTV version of their app. One good example is the Windscribe VPN client. You can install the Android version on any buzz box. It'll work, but it is cruel to try to use it with a remote, and you will need to often use the "mouse cursor" option on the remote. BUT, if you install the AndroidTV version (which they have - and listed on their site for devices like an nvidia shield), then that version is quite well done, and optimized for use on an AndroidTV platform with a remote. So if the dev has only created their android app with phones and tablets in consideration, then you need to keep your expectations in check when you try to use them on an AndroidTV platform. Don't blame buzz for app developer's oversight.
  9. Emporium

    i love the buzz

    Truth is, you don't even need hex editor. It is a just a zip file with a yaml file internally, which is effectively just a text file, easily viewable even with notepad .
  10. OK let's start by stating, WHAT firmware version are you running (should be in the updates screen V202xxxxxx). Also what version of Buzztv software are you running (from live TV, if you click on menu, you should see it at the bottom of the screen (5.0.xxx). Secondly, item #1 and #6 contradict each other. #1 says that trying to backups you can't see the disk and SD card. #6 says that backup and restore is not there. I can tell you that for Android 9 boxes, you will NOT have the option to backup to SATA HDD or MicroSD. It backs up to internal and you should use a file manager tool to copy to any location you prefer. Also, Are you using a traditional mechanical HDD or an SSD ? I strongly recommend you use an SSD intead of mechanical. Traditional mechanical drives will generate a lot of heat (especially in enclosed area). This will throttle the CPU (which will slow it down and buffer), and eventually get it to act up. Also, don't try to use a MicroSD card. They were never designed for the kind of writes a PVR will do, and thy will fail prematurely.
  11. The problem is probably made worse by the fact that the E2 is an older box and a little underpowered for some VPN protocols. Some VPN protocols are also heavier than others. If you decide to install the latest vpn client from your provider, experiment by changing between protocols. Since they do encryption, they can be taxing on the cpu, and therefore they can vary lot from one protocol to the other (openvpn, wireguard, ikev2, etc..) in terms of how resource intensive they can be.
  12. Has this been happening for a while, or is it worse this weekend ? This weekend many ISP are trying real hard to block and throttle due to the superbowl. And I know many services which were buffering like crazy tonight. If you try with and without VPN and the issue does not change, then maybe it is time to backup you servers/favorites. Ensure the backup file is on a USB stick (because I believe by default that box would try to backup internally). Then do a full factory reset, restore your servers/favorites, and try again. Here is a link for hard resetting an xrs4000 (replace xx with tt), but procedure is exactly the same on the E2. I know it may sound drastic, but it may be quicker and less frustrating than trying all sorts of stuff and not getting any results. hxxps://youtu.be/1TKa88hjjrg
  13. And if you have Timeshift enabled, try disabling it.
  14. Who are you calling snarky and an idiot ? Just trying to understand. Other than pure factual posts, I don't see any other posts above BTW: Degrading wifi chipsets are on piles of devices. I had 2 ASUS routers, who's 2.4Ghz radios both went dead. One was still under warranty and replaced by ASUS (painful process, but was the principle). And piles of laptop who's internal wifi have failed. It happens.
  15. Like nbs said, there is nothing wrong with the 4000 for wifi (unless yours is defective). It's just no matter what box you have, wired is always better than wireless. The box is quite capable of running other apps also (which I won't mention here, since this is a buzz forum). It's just that it has the Buzztv software embedded at it's core, since that is what most people prefer to use.
  16. I have a few friends that use the TP-Link AV1000 powerline adapter kits, and love them. No matter what you do, a wired connection is preferred over Wifi anyhow. There is nothing that can guarantee you that the onboard wifi is even replaceable. A TP-Link AV1000 kit is about $70 on amazon and worst case, if it doesn't help you or doesn't work because of some strange electrical setup in your home, you can always return it obviously. But this will eliminate the WiFi completely, and it would be a wired connection, which would give you the best connection possible anyhow. And no you can't uninstall buzztv5. It is part of the guts of all Buzztv boxes. That is the whole point of getting a buzztv box. Otherwise you can just use a generic android box.
  17. I agree with Ryu. A small wireless bridge or Powerline adapter (and plug ethernet to the box) would probably be the best option.
  18. Hence why I always prefer everything to be wired, instead of wireless, except for stuff like remotes, phones and tablets.. Even ethernet, I spend quite a while when I bought my home (over 25yrs ago) to run 2x CAT 5 (best reasonably available at the time) from the utility room to ever room in the house. Best thing I ever did and no need to rely on wifi. And most accessories go through HDMI, optical, or even just basic RCA cable for the older stuff. Don't forget that anything wireless (including BT), can be adversely affected if you have them too close to the wall (or enclosed in a cabinet), due to reflections. And the 2.4Ghz space is very congested with many devices using that range.
  19. Emporium

    New Boxes

    When you start your own thread, since this one is not yours and your question has nothing to do with the initial topic. And do a little reading, Disney+ has been discussed many times and how to get and install the latest apk.
  20. That is probably due to the encoding by your service provider. Probably some very non-standard type of encoding. Keep in mind however that there some features that are ONLY available on the Primary player. But if the backup one works for you, then great. Next time, you should also mention what type of sub you have (MAC or XC [user/pass] or M3U). And if it is XC, you should specify the stream type (it is in the config screen under settings - HLS, Auto, etc..). Very often it is just the stream type that needs to be changed. Just some food for thought.
  21. Is this 2 different remotes, or the same remote ? Pretty sure the remote will only pair with one box. Pair with a second box and it will no longer connect to the other box. Have you checked out the manual for the BT-250 ? To start pairing process, you need to press and hold the "OK" button and "VOL -" for 3 seconds. hxxps://buzztv.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/BT-250_Manual_V1.1.pdf Keep in mind that for TV functions to work, CEC needs to be enabled and TV needs to be compatible also. If the CEC does not work with your TV, you can still program the Basic TV functions (power, source, vol+, vol-) with the IR learning functions (using your original remote to then have the bt-250) learn the IR codes to use. It is IR, but then again, most TV remotes are also.
  22. This is strange. I have my own m3u list with piles of public streams, and have no issue recording (ads and all). I used to do it all the time. Is this only one specific channel or all of them ? Is this something like pluto channels ? Which can sometimes change streams during ads ?
  23. Dishuser was the one who mentioned the "USB TS on" option.. I just explained "why" you need to.
  24. TS is NOT on in blue in the picture above.. It is "gray" as in disabled (like the "REC" option). If it was Blue, the text on it would be "white" (in the the "single EPG" button below that line. "mo usb ts is off" ? Please explain. You will notice that the channel you are on, is a channel with Catchup (from the icon to the left of the "TS"). In that case, to force the box to use the Buzz "TS" feature, you need to select the "force usb ts" to on. If you check the "help text" that is on the right when you go to that option under the PVR Options page, you will see it says "Force the use of Time Shift on Live TV Channels with built-in Catch Up". And if TS was ON, the timeline which is now in blue under the image, would be white to show the available TS buffer (correction: actually that is only once you "try" to rewind).
  25. Before going any further, you should post your firmware version V202xxxxxxxx (easily found on update screen) and Software version 5.0.xxx (easily found same place, or at bottom of the menu).
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