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Everything posted by Emporium

  1. I just tested my external USB powered BluRay player and an old externally powered USB DVD writer on both the 4500 (Android 9) and the Classic (Android 11) and both do NOT recognize the device at all. It never shows up under storage, and I tried searching the file system, to see if it was just mounted in the back end, but not shown in storage, and nothing. Quite possible the optical drivers are simply NOT included, since most Android based devices do not have a CD/DVD rom drive. And nowadays, it is rare on anything
  2. Then do as nbs mentioned above. Obviously something went wrong during an update.
  3. OK.. I just tested something and it seems that a USB mouse is not seen and cursor will not show up (like Android boxes). HOWEVER. I did plug in a USB keyboard and had no issues using the arrow keys to moves around the highlighted box and the enter key to select and go into settings. If you have a USB keyboard try that, to go into settings and then select factory reset.
  4. I'm assuming you have not run out of disk storage ? some people record to internal storage, and forget to delete and make room. For M3U, are you using a separate playlist URL and EPG URL ? If so, as a test try to NOT enter the EPG URL. Maybe they are using unsupported tags in the EPG XML and could be confusing the buzztv client.
  5. Try connecting a computer mouse.
  6. The Hard reset with PIN has not been implemented yet, since this is a Linux box, and not Android. With Android, it is part of the basic OS for ages. For Linux, it will need to be something very custom and not obvious. Only factory reset is through the menus.
  7. This is surely VERY specific to this TCL TV. I have not tried it on a 4K TV, but 1080 i have tried on multiple TVs and have no issues.
  8. No.. When du said "contact service for reset", it is your iptv service provider to reset your MAC account on their panel.
  9. Why the hijack of another thread. Open a thread specific to your issue. And posting in multiple threads, great.
  10. For the box to not show anything other than 720 on that list, then I am pretty sure it is not picking up the EDID info from the TV itself, which is strange. Or there is some strange timing issue. Just as a test, another thing you can try is to plug the box into the other Samsung TV again which sees the 1080, then go to that menu again, and see if you can "force" a 1080 resolution (instead of automatic). Once it is set, shut it down and bring it over to the TCL TV and see if the 1080 resolution holds. PS: I assume you are using the power supply and usb-c cable that came with the X5SS and not some generic USB-C power supply you had lying around already ?
  11. I'm assuming you already went into the Settings->Display and Sound and changed resolution from automatic to 1080p (you can try both the different frequencies listed - 60Hz 59.94, etc.. ) ? You have tried unplugging the HDMI cable from the APPLE TV, and plugging the Buzz to it (to rule out the specific HDMI port - since you know the appleTV works higher than 720p) ? Don't think it will make a diff, but on the X5 SS, under settings->Display and Sound, go into more settings, and enable DLG. Then reboot the box (actually pull the USB-C power cable and plug it back in). I typically have mine connected to an old Sharp Aquos TV and I have connected it to a few different computer monitors (mostly HP and Dell) and have had no issues with that. It's obviously not detecting the EDID of the TV or misinterpreting it. As a test, ensure the TV is powered on, and switched to the input in question. Then and only then plug the power into the box. Reason for this test is because I have one older box, that when connected to one of my TVs, the TV is not powered up before the box, then the box actually boots up, but you don't see any video output. Only way to recover that is to either reboot the box, or unplug and replug the HDMI cable (which is a pain considering it is all tucked behind the TV). I would reach out to them again. RMA may just yield the same issue and just a waste of time. Keep in mind that the X5SS is one of the newest boxes, so it will certainly have a few glitches and combinations (which there are piles off) which they did not consider or specifically test. This can most likely be fixed or patched in firmware if they can figure out why.
  12. Great amount of info.... No clue what version of firmware or app you are running. Is it first time it happens ? Is it something that you can reproduce ? If so, send the details to allaboutbuzz. I have not had it freeze on me once. So unless it can be reproduced, it will be hard to correct.
  13. MAC is tied to a single box, and limit to single connection at a time. XC uses a URL but with username/password, so you can install it on as many devices as you want (not tied to a single box). And depending on the service you subscribe to you can be allowed to have multiple connections simultaneously. I presently have a 2 connection sub, so I can have any 2 of my boxes streaming at the same time, and no issues (Wife watches in one room, I watch in the other and all on the same sub). Also if you have more than one connection available, you can also be recording one channel, while you watch another. If I am not mistaken, dishuser (on the same service), he has up to 6 simultaneous connections. So XC is a lot more flexible.
  14. I don't use MAC often. But Using XC login, I scheduled a 30 minutes recording from 6:30pm to 7pm, with no extra in PVR options, and it recorded perfectly for 29m52s and wife was also streaming upstairs on the xrs4900. You say now that it recorded for 18 minutes before "you" stopped it. So what is the problem ? Went past the 10 minutes that you mentioned previously. Also depends on the streams. I have seen streams that are so "discontinuous" and redirecting constantly, even though they seem to play smooth. This will kill recordings for sure.
  15. I was testing some recording on the X5SS last night and had no issues doing 3 or 4 recording, full recording time including the extra time added in the PVR options. And it is BuzzTV 5. However since that is an Android 13 box, I just setup a few recordings on the Classic (Android 11) to see what it does. Take one box (the classic for example), can you let us know what version of firmware/software you are running ? Also, are you recording to internal or external storage ? If using external (usb stick or HDD) are you plugged into a USB 3 [blue] port (and not a USB 2 one) ? And have you tried different USB stick. If the USB stick has very slow write access, it can be an issue. For testing, you may want to try recording to internal, to remove the media from the equation. Also, does you account allow more than one connection, or single connection ? MAC or XC ? What type of stream do you have configured (Automatic, HLS/M38U or TS) ? Essentially A little more info would help.
  16. Android 11 does nothing either. You can see how much it uses, click on it, and does nothing. Easiest way to clear all cache would be to boot into recovery mode, and wipe the /cache partition. I do not recommend it for the average person. Typically you should just be clearing the cache on a specific app. Out of curiosity, and even on my Pixel 7, running Android 15, there is no way to clear ALL cache in one shot.
  17. Did you go into the Apps menu, and select BuzzTV app and the Clear cache for the app instead.
  18. Just got 1.0.115 Didn't catch the "release notes" since I hit go right away... And doesn't seem like the updates screen on this box keeps a log of the release notes of previous version, like on some other boxes.
  19. Wow.. This time, I plugged the box in (since it was unplugged to test another box), and as soon as I powered it up, got an update message within less than 5 seconds. Took update, rebooted and all looks good. Quickly checked many of the streams which were giving channel stream errors after 1.0.111, and they all seem to work great. Tested a few Catchup and they seem to work (and super quick to start playing). however navigation (FFW/REW) do not seem to work on Catchup. You start it, and it works great. But even if you press FFW or REW on remote, or highlight timeline and use LEFT/RIGHT DPAD and the cursor moves, but the stream do not follow the timeline marker. Did find some navigation issues with adult channels (ex: acess them from the "All Channels" category, and they are actually added to your channel history) I'll send you a PM later for the rest of the details on that aspect.
  20. I use the BT200 with one of my X5 units and a BT250 on the other. I prefer those remotes to the bt300/400 remotes. But when you say that it does not control the volume, what does the volume control when you use the BT300/400 remote you got ? From the sound of it, you want the box to output a variable volume, and you want to leave your TV at one position (ie: something like 60% volume). That is what I do. You will need to disable one option, if I recall it is under settings->buzz tv utilities->volume control and there is a setting for FORCE MAX VOLUME. Disable that, and your remote should then control the volume output of the box itself. You may also need to disable the CEC settings under settings->hdmi or display option. If you had tried to program the remote to control your TV, you may need to factory reset the remote also. Hold the D-Pad Down button and the 0 (Zero) button for 4 seconds until it blinks 3 times to factory reset the remote.
  21. Oops.. Guess I should stop replying at nights I completely ignored the fact that this was regarding the L1. You are correct, thanks for catching it, The L1 does not have recording. And I don't think BuzzTV 6 (on the L1) has the boot to live TV option (not yet at least), but nice thing is that as soon as it boot, you have a PiP window where the LiveTV icon is, and it is automatically streaming your last channel. And all you really need to do is hit "OK" on the remote to load up and continue streaming the same channel. I have not had streams freeze yet on the L1. They either work, or don't work. So for now, can't comment on the need to switch channel and come back to continue streaming. HDR10 and HLG, I don't have anything compatible with that, but I would be surprised if this specific model supported any. It is not advertised as such, and it is targeted as a budget box, so no frills. Just a lightweight box that works for what it was intended for with no additional bells and whistles. And that, it does well, and is pretty snappy, even considering the lower hardware specs.
  22. Catchup is server dependant, so the server needs to support catchup. Not all do. The built-in LiveTV app does have an option to auto-start upon boot, so once it boots, a few seconds later it will launch the LiveTV and it will be at the last channel you were watching. I have it set up like that for my mom. Recording can be a little more complicated. In the sense that there are many things to consider. First of all, to record while you want something else, your service needs to allow multiple connections (hence XC API with 2 or more conenctions). Then depending on the box you get, it will have PVR or PVR+ capabilities. PVR+ is best since it will wake the box up to do a record. Also, a recording is only as good as the stability of the stream. If a stream glitches, then the recording typically stops. So some people get frustrated and try to blame the box, but it is not always the boxes fault. My personal recommendation I always make to family and friends, for best bang for the buck, is still the BuzzTV Classic. Same CPU as the X5 and U5. Included the BT250 Blutooth remote. And it just works
  23. X5 SS and L1 are completely unrelated. One is BuzzTV 5, and one is BuzzTV 6 (lite or whatever you want to call it). I don't have streaming issues with X5 SS for now, other than recording issues, which they have addressed and I'll be testing shortly. Buzztv 6 v1.0.111 that was just released there was obviously player modification or something else which has broken a few streams. I have already advised buzz with the details. Pretty sure, server is irrelevant. I just gave them the server since I know they have access to it, and some way to reproduce. The key is... If you can reproduce it, it is easier for the devs to debug.
  24. Emporium

    New P6?

    The P6 is just the hardware. Android 13 is the OS, and BuzzTV 6 is the application layer. Hardware is fine, and so is the OS. The BuzzTV 6 is constantly getting updated on a weekly basis and many features are being added. But in the meantime, if you want, BuzzTV 5 is also installed on the P6 and you are free to use it. However introducing a new box, is irrelevant to the whole scheme of things. H/W designers are not your s/w developers. And the BuzzTV 6 app development/progress, will not be affected if there is 1 model, or if there are 10 models using it. So I do not understand your point. How does releasing another h/w version affect the progress of the features you are referring to ? The Linux L1 box is also running a lite version of Buzztv 6, and it works like a charm for a budget box.
  25. And have you left it on for 2 hours straight ?
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