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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERcmuCZuvsU
  2. Ryu

    4K vod stuttering

    @nbs. @Maestro701 Thanks
  3. disconnect power supply for 30 second and remove batteries from your remote control and wait at least 1 minute. now insert batteries again and turn on your box and see if that works.
  4. some sellers do accept free returns so buy and test and it if does not work then return it.
  5. Ryu


    yup same here
  6. I just read your other thread. what error do you get when you use XC?
  7. Ryu

    4K vod stuttering

    @nbs. correct me if im wrong but I thought default or secondary player one of those was vlc player. thanks
  8. depends how you want to use your iptv. if you are going to use with Mac address then you have to register your Mac address with your iptv provider which starts with 00:1A:79:.... then your provider will give you portal/url. you open up buzz tv app and you add your portal/url under Mac server area. if you provider gave you portal/url and username and password then you dont worry about Mac address. just open up buzz tv app and and enter your portal/url and username/pasword in XC area. if you are using as m3u then you open up buzz tv app and enter your m3u info in m3u area. hope this will help but in future try to open up your own thread.
  9. probably means network is connected
  10. no discussion of iptv servers here. however, when you subscribe they will give you portal url or username /password. if you use with Mac address its called MAC and if you use as username/password option then its called XC.
  11. try to type slow
  12. be honest how many buzz devices do you own and how many of them buzz broke them after update? Buzz team working hard to built us update and fix issues those we have and create new features the one we ask them. why would they break things? seriously makes no sense.
  13. no worries bud. that is what we do here help and protect each other
  14. @Mohamedally or @allaboutbuzz maybe someone wants to edit and remove his phone number for his safety.
  15. Ryu

    4900 future update

    @Maestro701 looks like as you said my thread will redirect here
  16. Ryu

    4900 future update

    opppss then I will ask allaboutbuzz to sticky it
  17. all 4000+ series will get buzz 5
  18. Ryu

    4900 future update

    @nbs. me and Maestro are just too excited and enjoying talking while we are waiting for much needed update lol
  19. Ryu

    4900 future update

    I will have nbs sticky my thread
  20. get ARQ-100 remote control. https://buzztvglobal.com/collections/remotes-keyboards/products/buzztv-arq-100-our-revolutionary-remote-control
  21. Ryu

    4900 future update

    and opening a new thread can easily take a minute or so. maybe minute is quicker (shorter) than seconds
  22. Ryu

    4900 future update

    seriously I have tried many things with my Buzz 4900 and im just loving it and find no issues. if theres any must be very small which is not a big deal as I have super fast and stable Buzz 4900. not sure what is that much needed but any new features will be cherries and strawberries on top of cake thank you
  23. Ryu

    4900 future update

    lol see how long it took you to search and reply back. I told you its easy to open a new thread.
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