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Everything posted by dishuser

  1. I'm currently using 2022.09.63723 I notice every few updates the UI changes drives me nuts at first...lol can't test multiple lan connections cause only one cable is being used maybe tomorrow I'll bring laptop upstairs to try a second connection
  2. is analiti installed on other devices? and what version do you have?
  3. analiti finds all my devices that are currently connected 14 of them...lol
  4. press menu button what version shows at the bottom? also if you go to update screen it will show you firmware and software versions
  5. I thought only android 9 or higher could get buzz5?
  6. that all depends on what you pay for that depends on what you're streaming
  7. how close to the end? are you adding extra recording time?
  8. they already said pin reset but they never answered nbs. so I just wanted to make sure they were pressing and holding down reset before applying power
  9. just tried backlight and it only flashed on turning it on must be a bug in the software
  10. the 4900 never used buzz 4
  11. rechargeable will never be 100% after charging keep in mind they can only be recharged so many times
  12. have you gone into developer options and looked around?
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