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Everything posted by dishuser

  1. I tried a 5v on my 4900 last week and it stayed on red light...never booted
  2. I only tested backlight once for a few presses after that never again I hate having to recharge my batteries...lol
  3. ya the bt-200 is my favourite as well can start a download and only turn tv off when I crash
  4. nope it probably won't even turn on
  5. I love my 4900 2½ years old and still going strong
  6. point the remote directly at the stick from up close if you don't have the ir extender
  7. nope in fact I'm downloading a vod right now while watch mnf
  8. you never replied about trying a browser
  9. my guess is the wws site hasn't been updated
  10. they have refurbished for sale
  11. ya I checked to see if any different options but like you said there was none at least vlc comes preinstalled so no biggie plus vlc gives better audio options speaking of audio when I hooked up my 3900 to format drive the bootup scared the crap out of me...lol
  12. so I downloaded four 4k movies today and none had any audio...lol they play fine in vlc though
  13. does provider have addidtional portal url's to use?
  14. did you take the 20230913 software update to 5.0.893?
  15. I would test timeshift while recording but I'm busy on a download frenzy...lol
  16. like I posted the recording has been interrupted
  17. that's why it doesn't work
  18. it can't record what you're not streaming you interrupted the recording
  19. it's a pvr not dvr next time finish the recording
  20. or a firmware upgrade not everyone has usb storage case or a spare laptop with easy access to hdd
  21. so I put a post-it note on power supply for modem/router not to unplug and successfully downloaded a 4k movie
  22. well I got most of the movie then some b00b rebooted the modem/router...lol
  23. mine has been fine since I took update almost 3 weeks ago
  24. what a PITA good thing I have a spare laptop that drive can removed and replaced in minutes downloading a 4k movie that is 27gb will post results in the morning
  25. shutdown or suspend?
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