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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/03/2025 in Posts

  1. NEW P6 Firmware Update March 5th, 2025 V20250225 Firmware Update WILL DOWNLOAD IN MULTIPLE PARTS YOU CANNOT REVERT BACK Firmware Changes: - Fixed a bug with a pop-up crash on apps like IP Vanish - Fixed Search button sometimes opening search, sometimes assistant - Disable play protect permanently - MediaPlayer2 and Classic launchers fix OTA app launch - HW Decoder library update as potential playback fix from Rockchip - Fixed (Server, Category, VOD, TV Series, PVR) Buttons on BT-250 and BT-350 Remote for Buzz 6 Shortcuts - Fixed Buzz Smart Remote App crashing after updating BT-500 Remote Software - Fixed Time Zone bug in DSW - Fixed Color Buttons on Buzz 6 Home Screen when programmed in Buzz Utilities - Fixed Mouse not working to click icons on the Buzz 6 Home Screen - Fixed hiding the All Channels Category in Live TV - SD Card transfer speeds were improved - Fixed a bug when an SD Card wouldn't be detected properly on bootup - BT pairing improvements on all Remotes - Fixed Color Buttons not working when programmed via Buzz Utilities on All Home Screens - Enabled Mute Button on the Remote when Force Max Volume is used - Added BT-500 Software update to Smart Remote App V07 Buzz 6 App Update V1.0.117 Changes: - Fixed cut off descriptions on Live TV, VOD and TV series - Fixed Adult in All Channels Category - Update VOD/series every 8 hours on MAC servers - Updated TDMB API to fix some issues in Search (the app show "Error") when clicked on an actor in VOD/Series - Fixed Minor Bugs. - Fixed a bug with Adult appearing in All channels and Last Ch history - Status Bar is now clickable for FFWD/REW on VOD Playback - Fixed some MAC Server Bugs - Info button now works in Channel List + Single EPG + Grid EPG. - Fixed a bug with TV Shows with 14+ Seasons - Fixed a bug with Catch-up stopping on a black screen at the end of a program - Fixed the UI overlay on grid epg for time elapsed - Fixed a bug with the keyboard automatically opening on the next row after closing it - Fixed a bug with No Password required for Adult VOD - Adult Password is now required to open the Adult Categories in Live + VOD - Fixed a bug with sorting in favorite categories. - Fixed TV shows with 14+ episodes on MAC servers - Fixed Timer on Status Bar of VOD - Bug Fixes. - Vod Info Bar Fixed - Fixed Cache Bar on TS FFWD/REW - Fixed TS FFWD/REW Bugs - Fixed Server List giving Error when scheduling PVR - App Folder Fixes after installing new apps - Fixed some Backup/Restore bugs - Fixed a bug with editing servers - Fixed more UI background color for icons - Fixed some small bugs. - Added Backup/Restore Feature to Settings (You can use Buzz 5 Backup Files to Restore onto Buzz 6) - Added Fast Login to All MAC, XC + M3U Servers - Added Color Button Features to Servers in Server Settings - Fixed UI background color for icons - Fixed Channel Stream Errors - Fixed a bug with Multi-Day Recordings - Added REC Icon to Grid EPG for Scheduled Recordings - Fixed Recording Bugs - Fixed a bug with Error Message when changing channels when recording - Added support for more languages on Sub titles in VOD/TV Series - Fixed a Bug with Multi-Day recordings only working the first time - Fixed a bug with XML EPG not updating when box is left on standby. - Added an error message when changing channels and recording on a single connection server - Categories that are renamed can now be reset and you can see the original name - Fixed Account Info/Connections doesn't always properly update total/active connections info on XC servers - Fixed CC on VOD/TV Series - Fixed VOD, TV Series, PVR, Server Settings buttons on BT-350 and 250 Remotes for Buzz 6 - Fixed adding Server via QR Code on Server Settings - Fixed CC on VOD/TV Series - Optimized Navigating Menus Performance. - Added a How to Videos Row to the Home Screen - Fixed XML EPG Bugs - Fixed VOD Bugs - Added Stream Data to Info Screen on Live TV - Fixed a bug when trying to play Favs or Recently Watched in VOD - Added support for XML EPG on XC Login - Fixed a bug when loading servers with 20,000+ Channels - Fixed a VOD loading bug on XC Servers - Fixed a bug when not being able to select episodes on TV Series - Fixed adding server via QR Code in Server Settings - Fixed Server bugs for VOD not loading Please leave feedback below
    6 points
  2. Thats the last public update Benfica posted a beta issue in the public forum which he shouldn't have.
    5 points
  3. We will add an ON/OFF switch to the Configuration menu that will allow up to 200% Volume adjustment We should be able to add this within a few weeks in an Update. We will test it first though, as I think VLC for example, only allows up to 125 or 150 because beyond that creates audio distortion
    5 points
  4. Thanks I’ve done it. So far so good, hopefully stays like that. Thanks.
    5 points
  5. Something is triggering a black screen overlay we use to black out Debian when no video But in this case it's overlaying on top of video We will get it fixed asap
    5 points
  6. X5SS March 5th Firmware Update FW Version 20250220 Changes: - Fixed Wake to Record from Shutdown. - Updated Buzz 5 App to V5.0.947 - All Pre Installed app now update via the Cloud - Added Chrome App - Added Support for All Buzz BT + IR + USB Remotes (Except the MIC button on BT350) - Added AFR Feature to Buzz Utilities - Added Network Shares Feature to Buzz Utilities - Fixed a bug with Play Protect turning back on after turning it off - Fixed a bug with VLC Player not being visible as a player on some apps - Fixed a bug with programming color buttons in Buzz Utilities - Fixed a bug with NTFS USB Drives not being detected Please leave feedback below
    5 points
  7. FW Version 20250303201204 Buzz 6 New Update V1.0.121 Changes: - Fixed Audio and Playback Bugs - Fixed Status UI on VOD Info Bar Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    5 points
  8. New Buzz 6 App Update Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.134 FW Version: 20250327125700 Changes: - Fixed Server + XML EPG Bugs on XC Login - Added Organize Favs + Channels Feature to Channel List - Added Move to Top in Organize Categories when moving categories Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    4 points
  9. New Buzz 6 App Update Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.132 FW Version: 20250324180914 Changes: - Fixed Black Screen bugs on playback - Fixed Duplicate Audio/Video Bugs - Added title cards for Season and Ep # on Recently Watched - Fixed a bug with MAC Server Connection Errors Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    4 points
  10. New Buzz 6 App Update Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.131 FW Version: 20250319191919 Changes: - Fixed Black Screen bugs on playback - Fixed Duplicate Audio/Video Bugs Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    4 points
  11. Might want to do a reset
    4 points
  12. I had this issue about six weeks ago. I traced the problem down to the last Play Services update. If you uninstall the update login to accounts will work again. However if you have Play Store auto update on (or use Aptoid update) eventually Play Services updates itself and the login will fail again. For now I've turned off auto update, and hopefully Google will get this fixed.
    4 points
  13. 20250307173300 FW Version New Buzz TV 6 App Update V1.0.123 March 7th, 2025 Changes: - Added Resume Feature to Movies in VOD and TV Series - Bug Fixes for Resume Feature - Other Minor Bug Fixes Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    4 points
  14. Not yet Hitting the buzz icon on remote takes literally 2 seconds if that
    4 points
  15. The chipset doesn't support it This is an Entry Level box
    4 points
  16. Sorry...lack of sleep....
    3 points
  17. I have 4 different boxes on an 4x2 4K HDMI matrix (but only using a single output, so essentially using it as a 4way HDMI switcher), and a small soundbar. All my boxes are pretty much similar volume level ranges. I don't see any discernable difference in volumes ranges between the L1, P6, Classic or X5SS (which are the boxes connected to the switcher).
    3 points
  18. New Buzz 6 App Update Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.133 FW Version: 20250326124822 Changes: - Fixed Playback Bugs - Updated Keyboard UI Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    3 points
  19. Guys it worked now....thank you BuzzTeam .....once again TOP
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. New one sent should work now
    3 points
  22. I have not launched remote app in a while. so today I launched remote app and I just noticed update version was available to download.
    3 points
  23. figure it out yet?
    3 points
  24. Your a right charmer, nice manners
    3 points
  25. I backed up my servers and settings to usb and did a soft reset I waited until chrome reinstalled and then restored my settings and server info Google play is now working
    3 points
  26. - Added a How to Videos Row to the Home Screen Just notice this addition on the Home Screen, very nice
    3 points
  27. what's wrong with using the 2 arrows on keyboard?
    3 points
  28. those channels mean nothing as not everyone uses the same service Discussion of servers is not allowed
    3 points
  29. New Buzz 6 App Update Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.130 FW Version: 20250318171347 Changes: - Info button now works when playing a movie or show in VOD/TV Series - Fixed a bug with Last Ch History and Adult Channels - Player Fixes - Bug Fixes - Database Crash Fixes Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    3 points
  30. New Buzz 6 App Update Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.129 FW Version: 20250317193201 Changes: - Fixed bugs in Change MAC Feature - Info Button now works for Episodes in TV Shows - Fixed a bug with Last Ch History and Adult Channels - Fixed a bug with the Info bar timing out on VOD when selecting Subtitles - Fixed a bug with Freeze Framing when starting a channel or Resuming on VOD/Series due to buffering. Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    3 points
  31. Two people with u5s don't have the issue so it's not a firmware issue period If you had been willing to provide info instead of just complaining about it working on your x5s I would have suggested a reset to fix your problem I'm finished with this
    3 points
  32. load your vpn config file onto a stick select the config and enter your credentials then select a server location and connect I spent more time editing the config file than setting it up on the box....lol
    3 points
  33. 3 points
  34. Soft boot is through Android settings What you're describing is the Hard Reset.
    3 points
  35. Make note of new address
    3 points
  36. It would probably work. But if I were to purchase a new remote, I would probably get the BT200. Slightly cheaper, but also one of the best remotes Buzz has ever made in my opinion. https://buzztvglobal.com/en-ca/collections/remotes/products/buzztv-bt-200-factory-replacement-remote-control or the BT250 Not sure the B5 has the remote app to be able to control the features like backlight and stuff on the BT400. On the BT200 you don't need an app for that stuff.
    3 points
  37. New Buzz 6 App Update Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.126 FW Version: 20250312165809 Changes: - Resume Playback bug and UI fixes - Fixed a bug when disconnecting server on server settings - Fixed a bug when booting the box and no internet - Improved Performance on App Starting Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    3 points
  38. New Buzz 6 App Update Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.124 FW Version: 20250311000000 Changes: - Fixed a glitch in Organize Categories - Fixed a bug with selecting actors in Movie Info of VOD - Fixed Server Connection Bugs Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
    3 points
  39. One mistake you might be making is designating an episode as favs instead of the series If you designate the series as favs all episodes available will load
    3 points
  40. Yes that is the way its designed
    3 points
  41. I find that unless I move around in a group it will default to the last group when I open up guide
    3 points
  42. My apologies about naming the app wrongle , anyway thanks to Emporium , am all sorted now. I added my playlist fresh to IPTVE and changed its fomat to HLS before editing and now the list works in the Buzz TV app without vpn, thanks for all your help.
    3 points
  43. B5 is a model not an app please stop calling the app B5 cause it's wrong
    3 points
  44. You should message allaboutbuzz tomorrow as the shop is moving this weekend I cant speak for buzz but ivdont see a problem with an exchange
    3 points
  45. Did you try the other buzz player? Menu settings config
    2 points
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