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Everything posted by DRAG00N519

  1. The 4900 and the vid stick are standalone streaming devices they are sold separately and you do not use them in combination with a fire stick
  2. DRAG00N519


    No date has been set for the update yet there are a lot of changes and things being fixed so it will be a little while yet
  3. I'm sure he just made a mistake nothing more than that
  4. Just to be clear I'm not complaining at all
  5. I asked earlier today it seems like it might still be a while before we get the update
  6. I know you would prefer a admin/mod answer your questions but when @nbs. answers your questions you can trust that he knows what he's talking about
  7. Lol I see what you did there
  8. it is something they've looked at but it takes a lot of work to create a multi screen feature it may be something they add in the future but I wouldn't expect it anytime soon
  9. Yeah you need multiple connections regardless of what IPTV player you are using the multi screen feature on you need one connection for each screen you want to use and not all IPTV players have a multi screen feature I know you know this I'm just saying it for anyone else who may read this
  10. Yeah I can only imagine it's a lot to make sure the coding is right and everything works correctly
  11. I'm sure it's in their plans somewhere down the line I'm just not sure how far down the line it is
  12. It would be nice but I think that feature might take a while to implement because I would imagine there's quite a bit of work that goes into creating a multi screen mode
  13. My service doesn't allow m3u and if I use the Mac portal my service is locked on one device and I want to use multiple devices so I can't do that
  14. I'm using a completely different app for my IPTV service and everything's working perfectly so there must be a issue with both players to be fair I have the same issue when I use OTT navigator which is another IPTV app right now I'm using IP TV extreme pro
  15. That happens to me when I use the default player and then when I switch to the secondary player some streams lag
  16. I understand he has said some things to you as well but going back-and-forth with him isn't accomplishing anything
  17. Stop making profiles if you don't like the box that's cool but don't be disrespectful
  18. I think the secondary player is the Exo player but that's just a guess
  19. I thought that might have been the case but I wasn't sure I was also thinking it could be the Exo Player
  20. Have you tried to contact an admin on here @allaboutbuzz has helped me whenever I've had an issue
  21. The issue I'm having with my current box is different
  22. I should've clarified this was the issue with my first box that I sent back for a replacement
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