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Everything posted by Benfica

  1. Benfica

    Beta 4900

    I did yesterdays d update, love the layout as i had updated a few 4500 and at the time amazing…now on my own 4900 having that look love it I found a few bugs obviously normal for a beta, i find when im in plex watching something and leave from there by goin home or anywhere else on the box the sound of whatever was playin on plex keeps goin until goin to force off the app i see the time shift i tried but couldnt get to work once in a while had an error time shift as i said before i do know its a beta and bugs are normal cant wait for the main update box will be great !!
  2. Benfica

    Buzztv5 Beta

    The interface is so crispy Notice now u dont have the choice to add front rows i just pass the remote on top of live tv or vod and tv series shows whats saved as favourites nice look !! will keep playin with it…
  3. Benfica

    Buzztv5 Beta

    Love this new look …thanx !!
  4. It did pick up today…. Thank u guys…Buzz been great !!
  5. Will check and get back to u guys … thank u the ones the updates worked are enjoying the new look
  6. He still Buzz4 i will tell him to wait i guess we will check in a few days if its been rolling out as u say…thank u !
  7. Happy new year to all here… I just updated a few to the beta and all went fine Except my brothers, he bought his about 2 weeks ago: firm Version : V20211108 we tried thru video call wondering if hes not doing it fast enough typing 2015 … or should he just wait for the full update coming out ?
  8. Once again good things happen to those who waits…
  9. Good things happen to those who wait, plus great changes cant wait hope u get better soon…Allaboutbuzz
  10. I actually just did a pin reset and after still a no go, must be the remote
  11. The issue is ive done it to my first xrs4500 and went smooth....my inlaws got one and thats when it started to them isnt a big issue not having bluetooth on remote , i then got a second xrs4500 and also couldnt do it, i press the 2 buttons an at the tird second more less i get 2 blinks and gone doesnt stay blinking its like as if stoped thinking and stops ...just crazy ive tried new bateries also and no go, u think a toothpick reset ?
  12. Hello all...i also going thru this issue got 2 boxes and both same thing, when box loads first time asks to pai the remote i try following the steps and doesnt pair, did after as u guys say hot back and i tried thru Add accessory but there when i hold for 3 sec Ok and -vol it doesnt want to hold the blinking of the remote light does 1 blinkin and thats it box stays searching for accessories . Anyone has any other ideas ? Pls ...my inlaws dont mind IR on theirs but i wouldnt mind having bluetooth on mine ...ive done it before to my first xra4500 and went fine these i dont get it
  13. Benfica

    Buzz 5

    Can someone correct me pls if im wrong i was just watchin an older interview of mike and justin from buzztv where they mention all 4000 models eventually will run buzztv 5 True ? wich its a bonus ...
  14. Benfica

    Buzz XRS 4900

    Buzz site still shows 19 hours ...on a. Loop
  15. Benfica

    Buzz XRS 4900

    Every penny is worth ! Counting the days ....
  16. Benfica

    Buzz XRS 4900

    Whats the price range ? Anyone knows ?
  17. Are we still looking for December ? I feel like a kid .... r we there yet
  18. Oh ok ! Thank u !
  19. Dont know if was brought out before but lately i find so annoying a sound a box ( xrs4500) does, its almost like a notification ! Is there a way of turning that off ?
  20. Thank u !! It never crossed my mind to do that, thank u !!
  21. Wonder if its been posted, is there a way u can close apps u have open by double taping a buton and u can choose the app u wish to close ?
  22. Hopefully there will be updates with changes on mouse use on a few apps
  23. Guys...just got my Xrs4500 !! And wow, ive been a Mag user for many years , good box also but my Buzz is great, my reply to the topic is because i wont be in need of purchasing a remote ( for now ) because the one the box brought works real good ! May u all have a great weekend !!
  24. So u guys mean either one all the keys will work ? like if u hit LiveTv will take u to livetv or hit Vod will go to Vod ?
  25. Hello guys...i see these 2 remotes ( IR-100L - Luminous Remote & ARQ-100 ) work with buzztv xrs 4500, from them wich would u recomend and do all keys work with them ?
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