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Everything posted by Benfica

  1. Benfica


    Perfect…i have a few usb’s siting around Is there a minimum amount of storage needed ? And should i format it to a certain type ? Cant wait to get it goin Finally enjoy it to it max
  2. Benfica


    And everything else setup the same as i have here on the picture from my 4900 ?
  3. Benfica


    hey guys, i got this service that claimed timeshift on all channels of a certain package, i never bothered but now that service has it i cant use it ! I tried it on an old mag and its there now when on buzz i get error. “Stream not availqble try again later” should i add a usb as it storage ? like how did u guys do it to work ?
  4. Used to…
  5. No….
  6. For plex can u try this : Go to SETTINGS. Go to PLEX WEB…PLAYER on the left-hand list of options . Finally uncheck NORMALIZE MULTI-CHANNEL AUDIO. Hit SAVE CHANGES. Close any videos you may have open and reload the browser window. Hope that helps!
  7. Benfica


    Still Could be the server Cant rule out
  8. I do … I have it runing on my 4900 and i share it to a few xrs4500 works amazing… now try and tell us what u think
  9. Benfica


    I just tried one more service… same efect… will keep using Default …
  10. Benfica


    I never said specific iptv server I know on my 3 i use cause that….with secondary player i will see if i can get one diferent server for the purpose of testing
  11. Benfica


    Yes …works good wish secundary would to love its quality ! video is soo crispy and fast zaping thru channels
  12. Benfica


    Ive been waiting to see if anyone else has this issue but seems like its only me since updating to beta cant get my secundary player to have sound on all channels of my 3 servers i rechecked today again and all 3 do same thing i scroll thru the channels they change fast and picture is amazing, but to get one channel with sound its hard to find one so i leave it on default ever since…i already did a toothpick reset in hope was the box…. but still there…
  13. Benfica

    4900 beta

    No problem… Thank u …
  14. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Im do only one in my surroundings ( family and friends ) Everyone else owns xrs4500
  15. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Im do only one iin my surroundings ( camily and friends ) Everyone else owns xrs4500
  16. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Im the only one with 4900 with beta on i just a video call with a friend with 4500 with beta and it works fine on his im waiting on a friend that said was goin to update his… lets see what he says
  17. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Dont get me wrong Favourites do work, just the moving the channels inside favourites to an order i like that isnt working ….
  18. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Mine doesnt ive done a toothpick reset and not even that way it keeps my changes on favourites..
  19. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Only on home screen will show what we dis the propper way
  20. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Yes the area where are the folders under live tv when we press the blue buton to organize what we organize wont stay on that order !
  21. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Yes my friend before the beta was easy and would stay now when u sort pressing green button none of the choices is the one u made …
  22. Benfica

    4900 beta

    Lets say i make a list once it’s made I hit organize favourites i move them to my like as I did before but once I exit only on Home Screen is the way I set up, hiting sort doesn’t put them the way I organized them … as I’m typing I’m tryin again and it’s a no go
  23. Benfica

    4900 beta

    I do know its a beta but its always good to bring a feedback … Since the update i find that secundary player wich i love its video quality has sound in about 75% of my channels, i use 3 servers and happens on all 3, making have to use default player … One more bug i found is favourites doesnt move to be user setup, on home u can move to ur like but on folders u hit SORT u donr have sort user as before, i hit organize and move them next i check and they didnt get moved.. So…i did a toothpick reset and have only the 3 servers on hope that maybe an app was causing issues but no, box just with 3 servers now still acting same way… one bug it had before i havent seen for now was out of the blue the sound would disapeer totally on servers and only way would be a restart of box, but this one was once in a while so will keep an eye… keep up the work BuzzTeam… love this toy !
  24. Valid point…
  25. Hopefully they can one day…
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