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wifi vs wired connection


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I was having some difficulty with frequent freezing and dropped programmes. I tried just about everything to get the signal to stabilize. It would be OK for awhile then start acting up again. 

My setup is an X5 hard wired to a wireless Pod. I am running a Fibe 500 connection with 500 mbps download and 500 mbps upload capability. The speed at the POD varies between 200 and 250 mbps most of the time.

I decided to try connecting with wifi instead of a wired connection. Lo and behold it seems to have improved my connection tremendously. I get the odd freeze once and awhile however the  connection is much more stable.

Anyone have any idea why this would happen. I was always told that a wired connection is much more effective than a wireless connection.


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Wired connection IS more effective (for stability), but you are NOT truly wired.  You are wired to a wireless pod 🙂  So you connection will only be as good as the stability of the Wi-Fi connection that that POD can give you.   

WiFi router, is very important for a stable connection,   And "IF" you can get wired all the way to the Router, then that would be a truly wired connection.  Wireless podd is subject to all sort of interference for other sources, including neighbouring routers, cordless phones, microwave ovens, and the list goes on.

Obviously your "experiment" proves that the WiFi receiver/transmitter on the buzz box is better than whatever POD you are using.


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My understanding is that he is hardwired from the buzz box to the pod.  But the Pod is WiFi backhaul to the router (as typical for many ISP offering Pods to "extend" the range).  So the connection ("wired" or not), is only as good as the wifi connection the pod can maintain with the router.


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4 hours ago, Emporium said:

My understanding is that he is hardwired from the buzz box to the pod.  But the Pod is WiFi backhaul to the router (as typical for many ISP offering Pods to "extend" the range).  So the connection ("wired" or not), is only as good as the wifi connection the pod can maintain with the router.


so wifi or wired from the pod shouldn't make a huge difference

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