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  1. type server url on your pc browser and see what happens. maybe server is down or url is changed.
  2. also reseat HDMI cable if have not done.
  3. one thread is always good enough for same question.
  4. no
  5. change to a different and better server
  6. you can program buzz remote to your tv and can turn off with it. did you check manual?
  7. sounds good.
  8. you have it why not try it and let us know how was the experience.
  9. my dad is using bt200 with X5 and works fine.
  10. Per AI "Server data can be updated using a variety of methods, including file uploads, content management systems, and version control systems".
  11. The server operates effectively on all my Buzz5 devices; however, the BuzzTV6 application connects successfully on the first attempt, and the initial channel plays without issue. If I change categories or quickly scroll through channels, I encounter a stream error, resulting in no channels functioning. Upon attempting to reconnect to the server, it indicates that it cannot be found. Consequently, I am unable to establish a connection. Nevertheless, I have tested multiple servers using the BuzzTV6 application and have not identified any issues. Therefore, it can be concluded that this particular server experiences compatibility problems with the BuzzTV6 application while performing optimally on Buzz5 devices.
  12. Ryu

    New P6?

    this feature was never released and you stated above not working
  13. https://buzztvglobal.com/
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  14. reboot and still no update and everything seems to be fine here. heres below current info. New Update Buzz 6 App V1.0.105 Firmware Version: 20250205173046 I would say reboot or try to reseat hdmi cable from both ends and see if that helps.
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