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Ryu last won the day on November 17

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  1. Just curious, are you using the HDMI cable that came with the box?
  2. drunk maybe
  3. not sure if I read correct use tv remote control to adjust picture size and then use recovery options to do whatever you want to do.
  4. https://buzztvglobal.com
  5. if default 0000 does not help then two choice. factory reset box or clear app data. factory reset will reset everything on the box. clear app data will delete everything on buzz app only. so shortest route is make a backup of buzztv app and clear data and restore.
  6. definitely can not wait lol
  7. why not use Buzz6 or Buzz5 app in P6?
  8. check the remote control manual to manually program remote with your tv. https://buzztv.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BT400-300_manual_v7.pdf
  9. Ryu


    other day I had same problem as OP but then I noticed I had no electrify in my town.
  10. Ryu

    Usb drives

    good job
  11. Ryu

    Usb drives

    connect to your pc and see what format is shows up as like NTFS or exFAT. try to format between NTFS or exFAT and see which one displays on your box.
  12. Ryu

    EPG buzztv6

    they said above that they will.
  13. Spooky Savings 13% Off Sitewide For A Limited Time Oct 31 - Nov 5th at midnight EST. https://buzztvglobal.com
  14. I remember when one user along myself were having an issue with the classic not going to recovery mode. after changing resolution it went to recovery screen.
  15. missing on my U5 as well.
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