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Terry Knapper

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Everything posted by Terry Knapper

  1. "nbs" , once I unlocked a XXX channel and added it to my favs, I never had to unlock it again .
  2. I may or may not be able to say this but, once you unlock your XXX channel(s) and choose a specific channel, you can save it as a fav and then never have to unlock it again. Of course this would be for any one not worried about "others" watching. TK
  3. Thanks "dishuser" , that was the step I was missing. TK
  4. Thanks "Ryu". When I press the show/hide buttons I can unhide all categories BUT adult. I can "check mark" the adult cat but not unhide them. TK
  5. How do you "unhide" the adult channels. TK
  6. Ever since the "Factory Reset" things have gone from bad to worse. I no longer have TS( pause). The TS function is enabled, I can only pause for 5 sec or so. I have enabled the TS to go to my HD. The X5 recognizes my HD. All my recordings do not offer the "continue" option. Any VOD does not offer "continue" Any TV series does not offer "continue'' Also all of the things from posts "Oct 15 &16th"
  7. I bit the bullet, and did the dreaded factory reset. We will see how that goes over the next few days.
  8. Well, this weekend I recorded some shows. All my recordings went like I mentioned above (Oct 15th) Not only that, but, recordings done prior to this weekend are acting the same way. Would a factory reset be in order?
  9. Interesting thing happened today. My recordings are working as they should. FF right away , resume , it's a miracle! I didn't do anything ; as usual according to my wife! TK
  10. Thanks "nbs" and "E" . I'll try the factory reset on Wed. I have a bunch of stuff recording tomorrow day & night. I'll let you know how it works out. TK
  11. Will clear data accomplish the same as factory reset?
  12. If I clear data and/or clear cache will I lose my scheduled recordings on my scheduled recording page?
  13. "nbs" what do you mean by "clear data" or reset.
  14. In my case, recorded shows will not fast forward, at the beginning , or for the first time, unless I pause first. On recorded shows recorded before, or after, 10122022, will go back 9 min on a FF before the shows goes ahead(FF). And all recordings will not allow a "resume" play. On a TV series I do not get a "resume" play option. My be I'm the only one. I guess we wait and see.
  15. On my VOD I get the "continue" message. On my "TV Series" I don't get a continue message. I don't remember if I got the continue message before, but, I believe so. I just checked a recording from last night. Same issues, for me, as stated above.
  16. "nbs", are you using the 10122022 update?
  17. A couple of observations, I have noticed, since the Oct 12th update. As I record a lot of live TV , 20/20, Dateline etc., I have noticed a couple of things. If I stop watching a recording , then go back to watch, I don't get the option to watch where I left off. I had this option before the 10122022. Also If I FF a recording, or a TV series, or even at the start of a recording , the first thing that happens is that I have to push the FF button quite a few times to start Fast Forwarding. Once the FF has begun it works as it should. Also , on a recorded show, the fist thing that happens when the FF is working, and I FF. the recorded show will go back about 5 min. then FF. These are just my observations since 10122022. TK
  18. There was a TVM update a week or so ago. Not sure what the update cured. My TVM seemed to working as it should up to now. I don't use the multi screen thing. I found that my TVM really slowed down when recording at the same time I was watching another channel. I guess that was because I was using a service with only 1 connection. I am now using a service with 5 connections on my X5. "BeachBumm " have you figured out how to use the "catchup" on your TVM?
  19. My X5 now remains on regardless of any other device being on or off.
  20. "dishuser", your right, I'm done. TK
  21. All I am doing is TRYING to get the most out of my X5. I believe ( maybe I'm being naive)) that there are other people who also would like to get the most out of their X5's as well. In my case I am mostly interested in recording with my X5. If I can learn more ,and, maybe help one person learn more, that can't be a bad thing. If you disagree , and want these tests to stop just say so . Terry Knapper
  22. Correction on my previous post. For some reason on my "Recordings" page, my 1st rec. now shows 30:19. This came up as soon as I started to watch it. 2nd rec showing now showing 30:31 3rd now showing 32:13 4th rec now showing as it did on the schedule. The rec times changing (when they did) was after I started to watch them. Interesting. Keeping in mind that I am NOT adding any record time to my recordings.
  23. Well here is the results of my first TEST record session. I am assuming that when the X5 "says" 59:29 recording time it means 59.29 min. 1st recording was at 12:00 AM until 12:30 AM for 1/2 hour. X5 recorded for 59.29 min 2nd recording was at 12:30 AM until 1:00 AM for 1/2 hour. X5 recorded for 29:55 min 3rd recording was at 4:04 AM for 1/2 hour (according to the scheduled time VIA X5) until 4:36AM (again schedule time) The X5 recorded for 1:02:04, again assuming this to be 1 hour, 2 min & 4 sec 4th recording was at 4:36 AM until 5:07AM (again scheduled time) for 1/2 hour. X5 recorded for 31:04. The scheduled record time were all supplied by the X5. I chose the recordings and time according to the EPG, which showed all shows exactly on the 1/2 hour i.e. 12 till 12:30, 12:30 till 1:00 and so on.
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