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Everything posted by Flyinghigh

  1. This box seems to be more of a headache every time I turn around. 1st I am stuck on 20220624, now after sending it in for repair, I have another problem. I am assuming this box was fully updated and fixed when it was sent back to me. Now the Internet issue. PapaS, did you ever get your sd card? I know there was a mix-up with you even getting it.
  2. Uh oh. So 3 poster just in this thread are having problems with Wifi. It appears we have to use an Ethernet connection for it to work. Gheesh. I didn't buy this box to have to use Ethernet.
  3. Well, surely someone jinked me. haha. Reading the post above, I decided to turn mine on today and then turn it off using the power key. So I did. Well, low and behold, mine won't connect again to the WiFi connection. I have to change bands to get it working again. So ends up no fix for me either.
  4. Uh oh. It's nothing I did specifically to fix it. I'm running 20221011 with 5.0.775 buzztv app version. I don't actually turn off the box. Setting the sleep timer on the TV makes the box shutdown. The light goes red. I hit the power button in the morning and it comes right up to the homepage.
  5. This issue has been fixed for my unit.
  6. I'm not interested in having to switch themes to see your post.
  7. Had my mouse all over this particular post. Nothing for me to click on or see while mousing over that image.
  8. Speaky, the post is empty for me as well.
  9. My box was set to shut down the 1st night. Next morning I changed it to suspend. It is on suspend now. Box is connected wirelessly on the 2.4 band. I am also getting stream not available messages. X5 is connected to the same network as the HD5. I verified the channel was available from the same service.
  10. My x5 has failed to connect to the WiFi twice now since getting it back from Buzztv. These are the 2 times it has been turned on since repair. I have to change from 2.4 to 5 to get it to reconnect. Signal strength is good on both bands. Is this a glitch or is there a fix?
  11. I have received my box back, updated to 20221011. The box appears to be working.
  12. I have tried to reset my device a dozen times. Each time I followed the process below. Unplug everything from the x5, insert sd card, plug in the HDMI cable. Press the reset button. While holding down the reset button, I plug it in. Still holding the reset button for 20sec. I leave it sit for a min. of 10 mins. each time. Max time has been 30 mins. I still have a red light. Ideas?
  13. Yes. I unplugged everything from the x5. I inserted the card(32gb). Then I plugged in the HDMI cable. I pressed the reset button and plugged it in. I held the button for about 20 secs. Had the red light since then.
  14. I installed the sd card I was sent. Still have a red light after 30 mins. Is there something I should do?
  15. Man, you just won't shut up. I honestly don't know why Buzz is allowing the type of comments you make. Yes, anyone can find it. Not until they know it is not updated. The screen says it is. No, users are not stupid. We can find the solution online ONCE we know not to believe what the screen tells us. You want to keep talking, how bout' you address that? How would I know not to believe the screen?
  16. Buzz, the point was to let others know boxes with this firmware will never update if you don't know to go to a site discussing this stuff. No one came here and said my box says it is updated, but I know it is not. They wouldn't know that unless they had already seen this issue on a previous site or stumbled upon it here. The normal user will never know the difference. Thanks for stepping in, Buzz. Yes, I do have a ticket and a resolution has been sent. Tracking number shows it to be here Thursday. I will apply the fix and post back after the installation.
  17. Correct. He read it was not right. Surely he didn't check for a update and then say it is not up to date when it says it is.
  18. Exactly. It was not from the box, saying it was not updated. He went to a site that said it was not updated. He asked and it was fixed. Yes. But he knew it was not up-to-date by seeing it somewhere else besides his box.
  19. Japcorp, how did you know your system was not up-to-date? The box shows it is after checking.
  20. Guess you're 1 of the few with this issue. You just happen to know to go to this forum to see it is not updated. As I posted above, most don't know that.
  21. Seems like a theme to not address some of my questions. I feel the type of replies to some of my post may be intimidating to new members. Fix for my box, yes it has been sent. Fix for the personal attacks, no. You all seem very confident this sd card is going to fix this box. Let's see what happens in a few days.
  22. You all just won't let it go. I have a new box that won't update. Never will without this "fix". Most won't know they have a box that won't update. I seriously doubt these updates were released that do nothing to enhance the user experience. This thread tells me a lot about Buzztv as a company. The name-calling and accusations of me as a person are wrong. Keep the bullies around Buzz. They sure are an asset. See "the click" soon. Happy surfing.
  23. Well, you guys are awesome at 1 thing. Gang up on the poster and make them feel small, call them names and make them stop posting. Problem solved. Thanks BuzzTV! Your support from the "official forum" speak volumes about your company. If I had any idea I would be dealing with this type of help with the system, I never would have purchased the product. Buyer beware.
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