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Everything posted by tvlarry

  1. tvlarry


    Why this remote will not work with Live TV or VOD ? Whats the purpose of the voice search function then ?
  2. V5.0.937 has a Bug After upgrading on several U5 units the Search Function under VOD "Search by Actor" no longer works. Box reboots every time you enter data in the Search field after selecting Search by Actor. Then trying to get back into Live TV unit goes to Loading Channel List again and stalls sometimes.This is a new issue and affects all U5 units. The prior App software worked fine on the same search.
  3. Using the Learning Remote Feature bypasses the CEC settings of the box. There is a software issue with the Android 9 in the XRS4900, I see it on multiple units. The CEC will turn off the Samsung but not back on. The Android 11 on the other boxes works because there is a separate setting for TV off ,TV on. I have notified Buzz concerning this issue. When you use the BT-200 or BT-250 and program the codes or learn the codes of the TV, CEC does not work since the remote has sent a signal to the TV to Turn Off or On.
  4. Great News !
  5. Thanks Dish, the Firmware and Buzz Beta took care of those Player issues. I noted the Backup issue only for reference. IN the future I will start another Post for these updates, but in this case when using a certain Provider, some channels would not appear using the Main Player. ]
  6. V.890 Beta update is out however there is a bug using it on the XRS4900 when performing a Backup to an external thumb drive. The U5 is not affected, selections are saved to the Root of the selected drive by choice. The U5 Firmware has a new update in addition to the App software .890
  7. Thank you dishuser, I missed that one. It did correct the issue with the other Provider. So all is well now in the homefront !
  8. Update the .888 Beta corrected the issue with one Provider, all channels work in Primary Player setting. The other Provider, the update has blacked out all channels in Primary setting but all restored in Backup Player setting. Have no idea what the second Provider did with the formatting but they did change it because this problem arose recently on both Buzz boxes. Thank you all for the assistance !!
  9. Thanks Tried the TS & M3U/HLS already I am using the XC login on both Providers So like you said it appears to be Provider related but not affecting the Dreamlinks or Matricom I will await the 888 file at this point.
  10. Thanks Emporium That said, the Primary and Backup is embedded in the Application then. I am having the same issue with multiple Providers, indicating some setting or software on both units is the issue since the Dreamlink T3s have no problems using its Primary. This issue was not happening last month, it appeared all of a sudden.
  11. Should we delete the VLC app then ? did not load them they were preloaded from Buzz direct purchase. 4900 & U5
  12. Thanks I sent the request in to Allabout. Can anyone confirm the embedded Primary Player is part of the Firmware and the Backup Player is the VLC ? I was going to try another Player and want to make sure what is used when.
  13. Thank you NBS ! How can I obtain the Beta Download for Buzz boxes ? Still having issues with the built in Player using another Provider.
  14. Thank you all for the feedback and taking the time to test. Can someone PM me to suggest a new iptv service provider ? thanks
  15. Well 5 days have passed, no firmware received from Buzz even though I was advised that there would be. Newsmax and other channels are back to square one again, they do not work when your Buzz unit is set to Primary Video Player. Note: after evaluation of other boxes, Dreamlink, Matricom, Formula Z11 all work on their primary video player indicating that Buzz has an issue. Any help here would be great. Verify yourself that only the Buzz units have the issues.
  16. Seems the Provider is working on the Format issue now. The channels in question before causing the error message has now disappeared and those channels are unavailable completely.
  17. update: Received an email from Buzz Tech Support that they will be sending me a Player Firmware update . I am awaiting.
  18. Thanks for the feedback, my 4900 unit has same 5.0.799 so at this point I will contact BuzzTV techs and see what they suggest, I do want to say also that when trying to watch VOD movies using the Primary Player, the same error message appears " Media format not Supported" . Switching to "Backup" Player for the VOD,s correct the issue. So now i'm curious if your unit is also using Backup Player for VOD movies or is the Primary setting working.
  19. Running the latest firmware, its labeled "Backup" not Secondary. Where are the recommended settings listed for the units as Auto-Frame Rate, HDR Policy, Exact Refresh Rates, all the advanced settings ?
  20. Maybe Using the Secondary Video Player option opens the link for these channels however. I do not see any complaints on the Forums "List issues your having with channels" indicating an issue on my 2 boxes or a setting. Trying to get someone to try these channels on their unit using the same iptv link.
  21. Unlinked MAC & ISP Lock, installed ipvanish, did help for sure. There are still some Starz channels mimicking the same issue but they have always been like this. Since this is a new issue I would assume its a provider issue. It is easy to attack any outgoing web access to a .ru Russia controlled interface, so I am to assume the provider has started this.
  22. thank you, I disabled Timeshift and it corrected that error, but the channel will not load with the error " media format not supported" same issue on my U5, same exact thing if you have a Buzz, try channels ABC Baltimore or ABC Las Vegas using the Primary Player supplied
  23. Using the provided Primary Player selection results in some channels not to load, some local channel links as in ABC Baltimore. Error comes up "Timeshift Error Media Not Supported" If you select the Backup Player selection, the error goes away and you can view those channels now, however another issue developed on this Player option which is an Audio Loss intermitting if the stream pauses for a second or during a fast action video event the audio disappears, video stays. If you change channels and come back, the audio is restored. Same issue with my U5 too. Firmware 2.220914 connected direct to router via cat5
  24. After about 5-10 minutes some channels will freeze then restart, others will throw an error "stream unavailable" then start again. Same issue on multiple servers and multiple boxes. It also happens on my XRS4900. Tried using MAC Server, Lock ISP, now removed all links. What happened to the Buzz Technical Forum managed by them ?
  25. Can not watch any video after downloaded from the Amazon Prime App on the box. Nor, can I watch any paid Rental that was done on my smartphone then try to watch on the Buzz within the Amazon Prime App. Error message comes up.
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