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XRS 4000


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The easiest way by far on any android device is to create a DHCP reservation on your router and you can provide it any custom DNS servers you want.  

Some routers (like ASUS) even give you the option to have different groups of machines and each group can get different DNS,  Ex: 1 set can get whatever the ISP provides, another can use your PiHole personal server, and other group can use OpenDNS servers. 

I used to do that many years ago with my Asus router, and All my kids devices (PCs, tablets, etc..) would use OpenDNS with custom category restrictions.   All my Media boxes would use my own PiHole to avoid ads in some "shady" apps I used to use back then.   And everything else I had set for a combo of google and cloudflare DNS servers.  Worked well.

Another option is a small app which I have used on a few phones a while ago called "DNSChanger" by "frostnerd".  It is a little app, also available in the google play store (and it is open source - Licensed underGPLv3),  which you can create a set of alternate servers and when you turn on the app, it uses the alternate servers.  The app has the option to auto start on boot, or as soon you connect to WIFI.  I have not tried t on a Buzz box, but I'm sure it would work in some form.

I don't have a 4000, but at least on my xrs4900, if you are connected via Ethernet, and you go into settings, under network, you can scroll down and you have the option to change your IP settings.  So you can change from DHCP to static IP, and define your own gateway, and DNS if you prefer.   But that is only available on wired ethernet connection.


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