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Pairing remote


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  • 8 months later...

Hello all...i also going thru this issue got 2 boxes and both same thing, when box loads first time asks to pai the remote i try following the steps and doesnt pair, did after as u guys say hot back and i tried thru Add accessory but there when i hold for 3 sec Ok and -vol it doesnt want to hold the blinking of the remote light does 1 blinkin and thats it box stays searching for accessories . Anyone has any other ideas ? Pls ...my inlaws dont mind IR on theirs but i wouldnt mind having bluetooth on mine ...ive done it before to my first xra4500 and went fine these i dont get it 😞


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On 2/27/2021 at 11:41 PM, Benfica said:

Hello all...i also going thru this issue got 2 boxes and both same thing, when box loads first time asks to pai the remote i try following the steps and doesnt pair, did after as u guys say hot back and i tried thru Add accessory but there when i hold for 3 sec Ok and -vol it doesnt want to hold the blinking of the remote light does 1 blinkin and thats it box stays searching for accessories . Anyone has any other ideas ? Pls ...my inlaws dont mind IR on theirs but i wouldnt mind having bluetooth on mine ...ive done it before to my first xra4500 and went fine these i dont get it 😞


How close are you to the box with the Remote when you're trying to pair?

It helps to be at least within 1-3 feet of the box when you're trying to pair the remote.

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The issue is ive done it to my first xrs4500 and went smooth....my inlaws got one and thats when it started to them isnt a big issue not having bluetooth on remote , i then got a second xrs4500 and also couldnt do it, i press the 2 buttons an at the tird second more less i get 2 blinks and gone doesnt stay blinking its like as if stoped thinking and stops ...just crazy ive tried new bateries also and no go, u think a toothpick reset ? 


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  • 1 year later...

my BT-100 starting doing this too a few days ago....remote would work fine then just lose connection...then i couldn't pair it again for awhile....last two days i been using my mini wireless keyboard because the remote isn't working at all...... won't even show up on the searching for accessories screen.....any fixes for this ...or is the remote dead?

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23 hours ago, Raidersam67 said:

my BT-100 starting doing this too a few days ago....remote would work fine then just lose connection...then i couldn't pair it again for awhile....last two days i been using my mini wireless keyboard because the remote isn't working at all...... won't even show up on the searching for accessories screen.....any fixes for this ...or is the remote dead?

ok....so here's an update on my remote issues....took another set of batteries out which were in my TV remote and fairly brand new duracell  power boost for tech devices and was just about to insert them into my BT-100 when i noticed that one of the springs on the negative side of the battery holder was crooked....went to straigten it out and ...BAM...it came loose...not break off just came loose... i proceeded to grab my electronics tweezer set i had never used(untill today)to try and return the spring back in it's place WITHOUT breaking it.it took a bit of finessing but i got it back in without breaking it off.gently inserted the batteries in the remote and carefully slippped the cover back on. the remote lit up right away and was able to pair it to the buzzTVbox again.i don't know if this has happened to other users having remote issues but this was my issue causing the remote to not function at all. those springs holding the batteries in are not very durable and as i found out are easily bent if you don't insert the batteries carefully...just an FYI.

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On 6/16/2022 at 10:10 PM, Raidersam67 said:

ok....so here's an update on my remote issues....took another set of batteries out which were in my TV remote and fairly brand new duracell  power boost for tech devices and was just about to insert them into my BT-100 when i noticed that one of the springs on the negative side of the battery holder was crooked....went to straigten it out and ...BAM...it came loose...not break off just came loose... i proceeded to grab my electronics tweezer set i had never used(untill today)to try and return the spring back in it's place WITHOUT breaking it.it took a bit of finessing but i got it back in without breaking it off.gently inserted the batteries in the remote and carefully slippped the cover back on. the remote lit up right away and was able to pair it to the buzzTVbox again.i don't know if this has happened to other users having remote issues but this was my issue causing the remote to not function at all. those springs holding the batteries in are not very durable and as i found out are easily bent if you don't insert the batteries carefully...just an FYI.

well....the remote finally just stopped working alltogether...tried 6 different battery combos..and NADA...don't even get the red light to pair anymore. i sent BuzzTV a RMA requesting a replacement but from the website  it says they are SOLD OUT....SMH. i guess the bluetooth keyboard i been using will have to do until i get a replacement. i LOVE this box, aside from the remote issues, it is by far the BEST box for IPTV out there.

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