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Bugs and known Workarounds


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On 9/6/2024 at 1:18 PM, Emporium said:

Sorry for the late reply, but I assume you mean the "Last channel" button ?  If so, then as DU already mentioned, NO.  The back button, works fine to back out of menus, and long press to "exit" buzztv5.

However here to report 4 additional bugs I noticed on BuzzTV 6.

BUG 1:  Involved last channel in a list and using CH+/CH-

When you are on a category, and you use the CH+ and CH- buttons to channel surf, it seems to work well, except when you get to the bottom of the channel list.  When you get to the second to last channel, it works.  But then when you press CH+, it does NOT show the last channel in the list.  But you press it a second time, and it goes to the TOP of the list.  Now if you press CH-, it seems to do nothing.. Press it a second time, and it jumps to the second to last channel.  So using CH+/CH- buttons for channel surfing you can not seem to get the LAST channel in the category to play.  Seem like internally the pointer is pointing to that channel, but it does not seem to complete the "switching" routine to properly select and play it. 

BUG 2: Involves locked channels and the back button (not the last channel button)

When you tune into a locked channel (either locked by default due to adult category or other, or locked manually by user), if you press the "back" button, it acts like the "last channel" button and changes channel back to the last non-locked channels.  In BuzzTV 5, the pressing the back button on a locked channel behaves like any other channel (it cycles between channel list, full screen with info bar, and full screen no info bar).

BUG 3:  Involved the manually locked channel category.

If you lock a few channels manually, and then go to the "Locked" category, and select channels from the locked category, the "last channel" button has no effect (it's as if it is disabled).  Does not even take you back to the last unlocked channel.

BUG 4: Locked channel from the "All channels" category

Pretty sure I mentioned this a while back, but you can access locked channels (like ADULT category) by going to "all channels" category and scrolling to them and selecting them that way.  No password prompt presented.  Entering the channel number also bypasses it.  This happens ONLY for the default locked categories, NOT manually locked channels.  It you select those, yo do get a prompt.

Feature request 1: 

Can we get the PADLOCK 🔒 symbol preceding the category name for locked categories in the channel list and the "organize favorites" list ?






Bugs 1,2,4 have been fixed on V1.0.30


Will do Bug #3 and your feature request next week

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1 hour ago, allaboutbuzz said:

Bugs 1,2,4 have been fixed on V1.0.30


Will do Bug #3 and your feature request next week

Did a quick check.

BUG #4 is confirmed fixed.

BUG #1 still seems to be an issue.  I don't see any difference.  Still behaves the same.

BUG #2, back button is fixed.  Cycles through the menus as expected. 

BUG #3:  Guess some work was done (or side effect from the other fixes). The last channel button does work now, but it does switch between Locked channels also (for manually locked channels, that is probably not a big deal, however in buzztv5 if you were in an adult category, and switched a few channels (CH+/CH-), then hit the "last channel" button, it would jump to the last unlocked channel (great way to get out if the kids are coming 🙂 ), not the last locked channel (unless option was set to include them in favorites if I recall).  If you long press the "last channel" button, the channel history list is correct (no locked channels in it as expected).  Guess "if" the desired behaviour is similar to buzztv5, then the "last channel" button should jump to the channel that is on top of that linked list of channels when you long press.


Another thing I noted... In a previous version, you had also fixed the shortcut from the Home screen->Settings icon popup->Bluetooth icon to bring up the bluetooth settings.  That now works (thanks).  But when you press the back button, to get out.  Instead of just closing the Bluetooth settings and returning to the settings popup, it returns to the Settings "menu".  Press one more time and it closes the menu and goes to the settings popup.  All other shortcuts on that popup (like the WiFi) will open up their respective settings menu, but then "back" button will close it and return to the popup instead of going first back to settings menu.   Nothing major, just cosmetic, but figured I'd point it out.


Thanks for the great support and progress. 

Have a great weekend.





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