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Ok so before we used to have just one favourite's group but it appears now

that you can create another favourites group now. So now I have two.

One called Favourites the 2nd called 24/7 Favourites.


So this was done befoere this was an an option and I have all my favourites in the 'Favourites"


But what I want to do is take my favourite 24/7 channels now put them in the 2nd

Favourites group from Favourites and move them over to 24/7 Favourites.


But I can't seem to find a way to be able to move favourites across the different

favourite groups.


I am running BuzzTV X4000 which is using the latest BuzzTV 5 version


And the latest Firmware version V20220919 I just did a check and it is telling

me I am running the latest version.


So how do you move out of my Favourite Groups and put it into another please

with the Buzz TV XR 4000.


Thank you,


Posted (edited)

Ya but they are already in the Favourites Category how can I move

them out of Favourites and into 24/7 favourites without having to reselect

them all you should be able to simpley move saved favourites across different

favourites group.  The way you are telling me to do it is I am going to have to

select them all again and there are a lot of them. Then they would also

end up in both Favourites and 24/7 Favourites.  There must be a way

to just shift them around from different favourite groups so you don't have them

in both groups and then have to go back and delete them from you select again

in the Favourites Group and I will miss some doing it this way too because the list

is extensive.  I really don't want to have to do it again.


If your saying that you can't do this right now with Buzz 5.x then can we make

this a possible feature  in the near future?

Edited by TheGhost

When you have more than one Favorites category (BUZZ created categories - not your provider having created a category called 24/7 favorites), when you select to ADD or REMOVE favorites (yellow button), you get a small popup with all your favorites groups and you just put a checkmark next to the category you want it in.  If you want to delete it, you just remove all checkmarks before you save it.  If you want to change category, just unchecked it from Favorites, and check it in 24/7 favorites.


Posted (edited)

Dishuser because I have so many channels i want to seperate them out.

That was also going to be my next question Emporioum thanks let me try that I wasa having a

hardf time getting it to be removed from the other categeory.


Since I do have a large number of channels to do this is going to be painfully

slow. It would still be way faster with Buzz 5.x if there was a way to

move favourites betwwen the favourites groups

some how.

Can This be a feature in the futire for Buzz 5.x it would make

handlinig moving large lists way faster this is extremely slow

doing it this way!

Edited by TheGhost

When you use the backup function of the BuzzTV5, you can backup your servers, favorites and other stuff.  It essentially creates a zip file, which internally contains a .yaml file (which is pretty simple to understand - similar to an xml file).  

Considering you are an admin (or that is what you had mentioned in another thread), you should be comfortable enough to take the zip file, extract the yaml file, use a basic editor like notepad++ (or whatever else you prefer - I prefer vi [yes I am dating myself😄]), and you should be able to quickly edit the favorites and move them from one category to another.  Once you are done, create a new ZIP file with the yaml file, and you can restore it onto the box.  Eazy, peazy...



  • Like 1

I don't want to have to do a backup and edit a yml file manually you should be able

to move the favourites around  from Favourite Group to Favourite group

easily between them.


And it takine about 3 - 4 clicks per edit and to modify the group it is in and havimg

hundreds of channels to do to get out out of "Favourites" now and uncheck it

from there.  That can end up being several hundred clicks and is very time consuming.

There has to be a better design.


The way are doing it now on Buzz 5.x is slow and bulky if you are trying to do

several hundred channels.  I think there needs to be a new method put into place

to be able to move favourites across favourite groups like this  to be able to mass select and move them from one

to the other.  This should be alble to be done without having to manually edit a yaml file come on guys

get a grip.  that isn't ans answer for most people. Most people here wouldn't know how to do that

you want a process that everyone can do to mass move favourites from one group to another to select

them and move them across to another group.


Posted (edited)

Only reason you have so many (I hope) is because this is new feature and people are transitioning to it.  Someone doing this from scratch on a new box, should not have any mass moves to do.  Maybe the occasional channel.

Designing a "simple" UI for use with a remote, to cover a number of groups with piles of channels, is not going to be simple, and not something that will get used too often after initial configuration.

I was just explaining for someone more technically advance a relatively simple option.  But if you choose to do it one at a time using the UI, that is your choice obviously. 

I never said it was an answer for "most" people, but rather for someone who is apparently more advanced technically.  This is a truly a very simple solution.





Edited by Emporium
  • Thanks 1

you make me laugh

until recently you could only have one favourite and now you can make additional and you still bitch

wanna bet Emporium's solution is faster than what you want or expect?

  On 3/20/2024 at 12:22 AM, TheGhost said:

Ok so before we used to have just one favourite's group but it appears now

that you can create another favourites group now. So now I have two.

One called Favourites the 2nd called 24/7 Favourites.


So this was done befoere this was an an option and I have all my favourites in the 'Favourites"


But what I want to do is take my favourite 24/7 channels now put them in the 2nd

Favourites group from Favourites and move them over to 24/7 Favourites.


But I can't seem to find a way to be able to move favourites across the different

favourite groups.


I am running BuzzTV X4000 which is using the latest BuzzTV 5 version


And the latest Firmware version V20220919 I just did a check and it is telling

me I am running the latest version.


So how do you move out of my Favourite Groups and put it into another please

with the Buzz TV XR 4000.


Thank you,



You can just access the original Favorite groups menu and Add them to your new group. 


You can access this in the channel list. 

Open the channel list 

Press Left to open categories

Press the Yellow Button to open Fav Groups. 


Create your new group

Select Add Channels

In this menu you can pick all of the channels from Favorites that you want into your new group. 


And now whenever you add a new channel to favorites from the channel list. It gives you the option to add them to any group you want. 


I'm not really sure how much easier it can get than this.

  • Like 3

Because it took forever to do ....   doing it this way unchecking the one

favourite rececking the other favourites groupo

there are hundreds of trhem


what I am suggesting is a better way move channels

between the favourites group.


I mean you already have a goodf system for

mass organizing channels with your current system

is there no way you can exapand on that  to be able

to mass move channnels across different gtroups

in Buzz 5.x.  Where you can mass select channels from

one favoujrites group and then move them over to another.


I am just trying to help improve Buzz TV 5.x

I think this would be a marvelous feature.


I mean  I am trying to help here and all I get

is attutide from people here and laughed at.,

The people here seem to be more like bullies.



Just because YOU use it in one way, does not mean others do the same.

I have 4 people using my boxes.  We each have our own favorites category.  So the same channel can find itself in 1 or up to 4 different favorites categories.  So no, I will never want to MOVE categories, since I do want them in the multiple favorites categories.  I may add them or remove them from some categories, but moving, I don't see it.

When you design a UI, it is not with only a single use case in mind.  It needs to be generic enough.  And right now, most of us think it works great.   Even in your case, After you finally move all the channels you will probably never need to use the "move" option again.  When you add a new favorite, you will just tag it to the group you want.  Done.

And you really must be super patient "if" you are technical capable of using CLI and basic tools to edit the backup files and restore.  It's a 1- to 15 minute task max.  Yet you chose to do them one by one through the UI.







  On 3/20/2024 at 10:30 PM, TheGhost said:

Because it took forever to do ....   doing it this way unchecking the one

favourite rececking the other favourites groupo

there are hundreds of trhem


what I am suggesting is a better way move channels

between the favourites group.


I mean you already have a goodf system for

mass organizing channels with your current system

is there no way you can exapand on that  to be able

to mass move channnels across different gtroups

in Buzz 5.x.  Where you can mass select channels from

one favoujrites group and then move them over to another.


I am just trying to help improve Buzz TV 5.x

I think this would be a marvelous feature.


I mean  I am trying to help here and all I get

is attutide from people here and laughed at.,

The people here seem to be more like bullies.



I appreciate the suggestion. And we will take it into consideration. 

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