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Can't find the settings button anymore


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After I changed the home screen I used the media player I can't find the settings button anymore to revert to the original

I tried everything I can't find it.  I read somewhere that on google you move to the right of the screen and it moves like a page

but it's not all it does is open up chrome

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I have aptoide, google play store and a folder with a plus sign and clicked ump times on the right arrow as well as the top 2 right arrows for the recordings to no avail at the bottom I have a couple of apps I installed like speed test and gallery and a plus sign I did the same thing and nope the settings button doesn't appear

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We can't be on the same page because what I have on top is a grey wifi, the ethernet because it is connected to the ethernet the bluetooth logo beside I have the temperature of my vpn connection location and the time and date beside it on the right.  I moved the arrow to that position on top with the mouse arrow and than click and nothing appears.  We are talking about an E1 not an X5 that's why I posted here.  On my X5 I can see it on top but not the E1

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I don't have my E1 in front of me, but it I recall (from memory), it you select the first icon (the 9 small squares) it will open the all apps screen.  There I do believe there is a settings options.  From the settings screen you should have something in regards to the "Home screen" to be able to change it.


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  • 8 months later...

Is there no other way to do this? I just got this Buzztv box working yesterday and now i gotta stick a toothpick in it? Sorry, not trying to be nasty or sarcastic lol. Just genuinely confused and shocked. I don’t feel like doing surgery on this tech.

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Is it an E1 you have also ?  The E1 far from being a "new" box.  Relatively speaking, it is one of the older buzz boxes.  It was introduced in 2020, and running Android 7.  There have been newer Android 9 boxes, Android 11 boxes, and now they are releasing Android 13 boxes.

Some of the newer boxes (like The Classic) do have a small button on the side of the unit, but the E1 does not.  The only TRUE factory hard reset, is via the little button at the back of the A/V port.  I typically use a Qtip (cotton swab) and cut the cotton tip off and use that.  I find that the step of the cotton swaps is more robust, and the perfect thickness to go in straight.   If you are going to do a reset anyhow, you can try to do a soft reset first if you prefer.  You will find a factory reset in the Settings menu somewhere if you search.  It is not exact same thing, but in some cases, it is enough.

Soft reset procedure for the 4500 is here, but the menu option will be different, since the E1 uses Android 7, and the 4500 is Android 9.



If you do NOT have an E1, then you should have started your own thread with all the details, instead of reviving a 6+ month old thread.


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