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Everything posted by sea157

  1. sea157


    I use Surf Shark and it works great on all my Buzztv boxes.
  2. So are you saying you got a new server?
  3. As far as I know it will wake up and record your scheduled programs but it will not turn itself off.
  4. sea157

    ARQ 200 Series

    So far I have found nothing the mic works for on the ARQ250. I do like the backlite feature on it though. I have been looking for a manual for it without any luck finding one.
  5. sea157

    ARQ 250

    I just placed my order for the New BuzzTV Essential ARQ-250 Wireless Air Mouse With RGB With Mic . I want to see how the Mic works on this.
  6. sea157

    New Formatt

    PM sent
  7. Thanks Dave I got your PM and will check them out.
  8. What power line adapters and Wi-Fi extenders are you using? I am thinking about going that route but I want something that works.
  9. Yep that did it, I have it now. 5.0.781
  10. What is the latest up date? I am on Current version: V20220923, Current IPTV Version: 5.0.779 Is that the latest Update?
  11. Did you try new batteries in your remote? These remotes go through batteries very fast!
  12. Thanks Ryu I was hoping that was the latest update. So far it seems to be working GREAT.
  13. I have one server that gives me 4 lines and last week I did a test and recorded 3 different program's while watching the 4th on one of my XRS4500 boxes with the latest Buzz 5 program and it worked GREAT! Like I said before these people did a GREAT job on creating the Buzz 5 program. Mine is working so good on my XRS4500 boxes I am almost afraid to download any more updates. LOL
  14. What is the latest version of Buzz 5 for the XRS4900? Mine is at 5.0.779
  15. Other then the extra storage the U5 has over the XRS4500 I see no difference in the operation of it. The XRS4500 running the latest Buzz 5 program is an amazing box! Now the XRS4500 running the Buzz 4 program that is a different store, I could NEVER record anything the way you should have been able to with the Buzz 4 program but with the Buzz 5 program it performs like it was made to! If you have it turned off it will even wake up to record a program you have scheduled to record if it is running the latest version of the Buzz 5 program..
  16. I have no problem recording and watching another channel on my xrs4500 with 64gb internal storage or my U5 with 1 TB hard drive. As a matter of fact I have one service provider that allows me to have 4 feeds and last week just as an experiment I was recording 3 channels and watching the 4th channel live on my xrs4500 with 64gb internal storage, all 3 channels recorded successively while I was watching the 4th channel live with the Buzz 5 program. These people did a GREAT job on the Buzz 5 program!!
  17. It does now with the latest update! Now all they need to do is get the backup and restore working.
  18. WOW, it looks like the suspend option is finally working as it should!! When put in the suspend mode it shuts off the box, blue light turns to red just like my XRS4500 boxes do. Now the only thing we need is the backup and restore function.
  19. abraxas, I can tell you one think with the XRS4500 if you want to do any recordings you definitely want the Buzz 5 operating system ! The Buzz 4 operating system never recorder programs well, with the Buzz 5 system the XRS4500 works perfect for recording like it was designed to do. If you have a recording scheduled and the box is off it will even wake up and record the program. If you provider gives you more then one feed you can record and watch another program while it is recording. EXAMPLE: I have one provider that gives me 4 lines, the other day I was recording 3 programs and watching another channel.
  20. You should updater to the Buzz 5 operating system, the 4500's work like they should with the Buzz 5 operating system! I could never record on my 4500's with the Buzz 4 system, with the Buzz 5 system they work GREAT!
  21. Does the suspend mode now turn the box off like the 4500's do? (Green light goes off and red light comes on)?
  22. Now I unplugged the box, plugged it back in and left it reboot and now it is working like it should again. lol Can you believe that? I guess from now on whenever something is not working correct the first thing I will do is reboot. BUT WHAT IS VLC?
  23. PVR recordings
  24. I received an update today to version 5.0.771 and it messed up the playing of recorder programs. When you try to fast forward a recorded program it just restarts it from the beginning again. I hope they get this fixed because version 5.0770 was working perfect! By the way this is on my XRS4500 MAX box.
  25. sea157

    Buzz 5 version?

    When you say you rebooted, did you unplug the box for a few seconds, or just shut it down and restarted it? It took me a few time to get the rest of the update also, just give it a little more time and try it again. And by the way the latest update in now 5.0.769.
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