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Everything posted by 7leaves

  1. 7leaves

    HD WiFi Problem

    Hahahahaha... Sorry, my bad...
  2. 7leaves

    HD WiFi Problem

    Only common denominator is buzztv... They are all my customers and BuzzTV is all I sell...
  3. 7leaves

    HD WiFi Problem

    I couldn't tell you... Everybody all at once, why is that?
  4. In the future, first thing to check for when you get, 'Cannot Load Portal' error, is that there is no space at the end of your Server URL. Check that.
  5. Not sure what happened, but it ended up updating after the 653.... And I got today's update as well.... So everything smooth ...
  6. My box is Updating to a previous version. Ver. 5.0.653...
  7. Absolutely Awesome Brother! Totally appreciate what you do! I'm so excited, hehehehehe.
  8. Nah.... Don't think I received it. Gonna give it a check when I get in to see. Is this a final version before complete rollout to the XR4500s and below?
  9. Wow! Absolutely Impressive ! Lots of Respect for hard work Brother ! Can't wait to give it try.
  10. Yes Bud, I did.... Gonna be checked on early next week. So I'm going to have to brave the Barrage of complaints until then ......
  11. Totally know that guys... As of late, he has been experiencing a lot of freezing issues.. He hasn't had any issues like that before.... And he knows how to work his way around the box well. Trust me when I say, people are complaining, where as there was no complaints before....
  12. Just came in from a client.. "What does it mean when it stops in the middle of your show and says steaming is not available and you can’t get back in"
  13. All of my clients are still on Buzz 4, Secondary Player.... Myself as well. TV Series really freezes a lot..
  14. Hello everyone... Just wanting to know... A lot of my clients are experiencing a lot of freezing when watching live tv and stuff, not really an issue with my service provider in the past, they've been pretty solid. But I contacted them none the less to see what's up. I was assured that the problem not them, and was probably coming from the box we are using. I was told that no freezing from a rival box to buzz, and that I should look into that. Not too sure what's up. Which player do you guys find better to, or should use...? Is there a good way to set up (Settings) the box to achieve optimal performance? Just wondering, cause I'm lost for ideas at this point. My Service provider has pretty solid, but I'm aware things can happen. Thanks in advance!
  15. Well, is it safe to say that we are not getting the update again for the 4000s?
  16. Ha... I did read the posts... But it was resolved over the phone. I just wanted him to post the information given to him, briefly of course, so that I can try it as well.
  17. Can you please post what was done to resolve the issue. Thanks.
  18. Ya, had that issue on the XPL... True story, and I'm sticking to it. Hahaha... Ya, but it was fixed. So that's why I'm inquiring about the 4500s...
  19. Cool... It's a known bug on the 4500s and was also on the XPL3000...
  20. Yes sir... I'm good.... Just excited for BuzzTV 5...WOOOOOHOOOOOO.... LOL!!! Thanks for the help!
  21. Version 4.0.494.... Nope, not fixed. I did get a test fix, and it worked, but I've been getting inquiries on that issue..
  22. When watching tv, then you press the ok button, then the guide shows up, the program that is currently on, shows twice. Thanks for the info.
  23. Hello everyone.... This is geared mostly to the Buzz Techs, but if anyone has any info, I truly do appreciate it in advance... Any idea when the next update will be for the 4500s, to address the double programs in the guide and the BuzzTV 5 upgrade. Thanks...
  24. Yes, I was referring to that. Ok then, thanks for the heads up. Take care...
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