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Everything posted by dishuser

  1. dishuser

    Free IPTV app

    assign one of the 4 coloured buttons to pluto tv
  2. just downloaded a 16.45bg movie and 16.45gb was downloaded but says failed yet plays mkv format
  3. I've had the same happen except it will play the first time I try and won't play a second time mkv format
  4. https://ca.dlink.com/en/products/dhp-601av-powerline-av2-1000-gigabit-starter-kit
  5. you could always get a powerline ethernet adapter kit
  6. a lot easier and quicker than doing a hard reset
  7. before doing the extreme what is the speed at your box? have you tried the other video player?
  8. I must have missed that in your first post
  9. this is not the x5 section
  10. factory reset the remote
  11. that won't change the ir code for remote
  12. https://stbtalk.com/index.php?/forum/25-news-and-announcements/
  13. stop posting outside links to iptv you were already told by Ryu maybe you should read the rules before posting again
  14. I have no issues recording there's nothing wrong with the way it records if your service freezes or loses connection to a channel it creates a new link so it can't continue recording something that doesn't exist
  15. get a better service
  16. the usb can be removed and viewed or set it up as device storage and it should show
  17. with mac you can't go watch another channel while downloading but you can use an app while downloading or recording for example:youtube
  18. I doubt it like I said I have 2 of them and if you could swap usb's then there would be a conflict using more than one in a household
  19. I have 2 and they only work with the usb they came with
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