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Everything posted by dishuser

  1. dishuser

    Buzz XRS 4900

    first quarter of 2021
  2. dishuser

    Not updating

    if you have no issues and aren't looking for more features what is an update going to accomplish? by the way the 3900 isn't a true buzz box it's a reflashed mygica
  3. dishuser

    Not updating

    are there features you would like to see added?
  4. dishuser

    Not updating

    what issues are you having?
  5. the reason I ask is because it happened to me last year on a 24/7 channel and it happened because it wasn't loaded on server
  6. can you watch season 5 on any other device?
  7. dishuser


    that's because most are a year old
  8. dishuser


    it means you gave crap info in your first post but expected my crystal ball to be plugged in ...lol
  9. dishuser


  10. what happens when you press ok and left arrow buttons?
  11. yes there is a hard reset starts you off fresh
  12. less typing which means less mistakes...lol
  13. in streaming line there is no option to load a file go to Streaming Line and fill out the portal url,user name and password
  14. if url includes port number be sure to add it
  15. try this in streaming line http://Glory URL6/get.php?username=xxxx&password=xxxxx&type=m3u&output=mpegts the parts in bold are all you need
  16. you can leave it or name it what ever you want
  17. there's 2 lines in m3u option second line is for epg
  18. enter server settings and select streaming line
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