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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. Pauly

    ARQ 250

    True I know they use a USB key for the keyboard and air mouse function, but it would be nice if they can make a remote that is pure compatible with the buzz boxes and has Bluetooth instead of the pairing dongle that would be Primo, plus it would free up a usb port that I can use for something else and would not need line of site. Ahh well, here is hoping that could happen in future
  2. Pauly

    ARQ 250

    I guess no blue tooth in this one either rite? and why didn't I wait to buy this instead of the older one, sigh
  3. where on the box are you going to find your shows? can you please detail which app you are selecting?
  4. I was trying to sign into my buzz tv box but i did not want to use my personal android account, instead i was trying to use the supervised child account but it was not working. It looks like it needs to download some other resources but it would be stuck at the loading screen for like an hour. Has anyone been able to successfully login to their family account? my kids want to use apps on this that require their google login so that is why i was avoiding to use my own account. Any ideas?
  5. thanks that was my issue too, changed theme and it seems better
  6. I just turned on my Box and was greeted with an update to 5.0.788. Thank you!
  7. I got some update just now, My box now reads Buzz TV vers: 5.0.788
  8. Sure thing, I will do it later on tonite when the kids are asleep, as my kids are not allowed to watch TV during the week.
  9. I was having issue with my BuzzTV XRS4500 running BuzzTV 4, they were software related issues such as lagging, and the app taking up too much storage space. I been meaning to reset it for some time but waited till a good chance. I finally did a factory reset 2 weeks ago. To my amazement, the box downloaded Buzz TV 5 client, This was not my goal but I guess some how it was finally released from beta. It looks different than buzztv 4, some features work much better including the rewind live tv and the recording capabilities. So far it gets my thumbs up.
  10. Well I'm new here and new to the buzz box, I will make a post about my box shortly, sorry for confusing you, it wont happen again
  11. Yes, and I want to see how it goes for the other guy as well! why do u have issue with this?
  12. I always wondered what that epg time offset was for, thanks for the tip!
  13. Let us know how It goes, I'm curious as well to see how the new firmware works out for you!
  14. yeah bring it to the other boxes pls
  15. Pauly

    New Formatt

    I love the new buzz tv 5, no thanks i have 2 buzz boxes already, do not need any more
  16. Wow that would be good if they did this, maybe make it downloadable in one of the app stores
  17. Pauly

    Buzz tv update

    let me know if it worked
  18. your welcome, and no your not the only noob here, im also a n00b
  19. did u ask the guy to simply "refresh" your mac? just ask him that directly, nothing else
  20. my box installed the latest update you pushed, thank you, it looks great!
  21. wow how long does it take this guy do to a mac reset/refresh?
  22. I never liked the CEC setting and have shut mine off as well.
  23. and I also do not see images in any post, there is no W to click for me ither
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