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Everything posted by Shoma

  1. Totally valid points by dishuser. I have to use stbemu on my BuzzTV and one of the main reasons buying a Buzz is the app itself.
  2. I have KODI 18.7 and it is running fine. Mind you, I did hard reset before installing the latest firmware and did not restore from backup, totally clean install.
  3. Very nice explanation whacked!
  4. What I meant to say is that there is more complaints about the same issue with the remote that comes with 4000 models. so even if he can get a same remote model replacement, the problem will probably still be there.
  5. I don’t think it is just one defective remote. Way too many people have exactly same problem, I am one of them. As a workaround I use a Buzz 2000 remote.
  6. Same issue. I’m using an old Buzz 2K remote and it works well. Not all buttons work though, one being EPG.
  7. My point was Tivi mate installs and works fine on Buzz 4K.
  8. Why can’t you? It is working just fine, like on any other android box.
  9. How can I find out? Because I have no clue about that stuff
  10. To confirm hdv’s finding, I moved my buzz 4K to an older, non-smart tv and the original remote works fine. I was flipping through buzz for 10-15 minutes and no delays at all. So, it might be an interference from a tv after all. Btw, the tv I was having issues with is a one year old Samsung. Hope this helps the Buzz team further troubleshoot this issue.
  11. I had a BuzzTV 3000 remote and it worked like a charm with my Samsung tv. Two Buzz 4K remotes ( original and illuminating) both have these issues though the illuminating less than the original. A fake buzz remote from Artronix also works without any problems. PS Buying a new tv to fix remote problem is not an option
  12. Read nbs’ reply for starters.
  13. It is just annoying to see it, that’s all.
  14. From nbs’ post: Yes it can be a little tricky to do sometimes In the av hole there is a reset. Its near the top and you should be able to feel it once you are aligned correctly I think it is done by unplugging the power, while pressing the reset button in AV hole plug the power back. Can someone from The Buzz team confirm this?
  15. From nbs’ post: Yes it can be a little tricky to do sometimes In the av hole there is a reset. Its near the top and you should be able to feel it once you are aligned correctly
  16. It took me a while to get rid of it. Disabled one of the google services. Unfortunately, I’m not sure which one. I believe it was com.google.android.gms.setup but like I said, not 100% sure.
  17. 4.0.417. Also, I uninstalled It but could not see any difference.
  18. I have xrs4000 with the latest beta and I do see freezing when using buzz players. If I use tivi mate, no freezing. Since I used the same provider/channels, it does seem like a problem with the Buzz players.
  19. Any news on when is this beauty coming out? I want to get it instead of Fire Stick 4K.
  20. @allaboutbuzz, do you know if the new 4000 boxes are shipping with this remote now? Or if a fix for the original remote will be released? I want to buy few more for friends and want to make sure they don’t complain about the remote. With this remote, I’m finally 100% happy with my BuzzTV XRS4000!
  21. Just a quick update: For all of you annoyed with the original remote that comes with 4000 boxes, I just purchased a remote for Buzz boxes and it works flawlessly. It looks more like the original BuzzTV remote than the previous one I posted here https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B082H5TVRT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 BuzzTV IR-100L - Luminous Remote Control for BuzzTV XR4000, XRS4000, XR4500, XRS4500, ST
  22. There is no broom on 4000s
  23. I’m hardwired and WiFi is disabled but still experiencing this issue. Artronix remote for BuzzTV works flawlessly.
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