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Everything posted by Shoma

  1. Highlight the server you want to remove and press the Red button on the remote.
  2. Yes, There is a one specifically made for Buzz:TV, Samsung TV and LG https://www.amazon.ca/gp/r.html?C=2JG4V7T7UJ2XJ&K=2UPSW6I5KF2DR&M=urn:rtn:msg:201912120509025bfc938cd78f4c27b29e62045d90p0na&R=2WD4VU6OPTC7D&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.ca%2Fdp%2FB07YD37Z4B%2Fref%3Dpe_3034960_236394800_TE_dp_1&H=QYHJRWG0ZJJOYBS39QA6QHWT1AGA&ref_=pe_3034960_236394800_TE_dp_1 I apologize if I was not clear in my previous post.
  3. I’m not sure I understand your question. The Artronix remote working fine and it has all functionality as the original BuzzTV remote. It responds much, much faster and I don’t need to click 2-3 times to get response. I’m using both remotes since I still prefer the BuzzTV original remote’s design. Just to clarify, most problems with the original remote are with arrow keys and OK button; need 2-3 tries to respond. Note: I changed the battery just to make sure that is not the issue.
  4. Ooops, turn you screen 180
  5. No, it is the same as on the BuzzTV remote
  6. It does.
  7. Artronix Universal Replacement Remote Control for All BuzzTV, Samsung TV, LG TV LCD LED HDTV 3D Smart TVs on Amazon Canada for $15+shipping
  8. Same problem here. I bought an Artronix remote for BuzzTV and is working much better. Thank you Nelutz for bringing up this problem. Until now, I thought I just got a bad remote.
  9. Have you tried the secondary player?
  10. Shoma

    Audio Sync

    Same here. And it happens on different players on the same channel. So it must be the server.
  11. Today's update resolved the problems. Nice work!!
  12. Shoma


    Sertings/Network & Internet/IP Settings (at the botrom of the screen)/then pick static and follow the prompt.
  13. Shoma


    Sertings/Network & Internet/IP Settings (at the botrom of the screen)/then pick static and follow the prompt. cloudflare DNS is and i believe.
  14. Yes, they pushed beta and it is working better. Still have issue with VPN and ethernet though.
  15. Hardwiring is not possible if you need to use VPN.
  16. Hardwiring is not possible if you need to use VPN.
  17. I emailed support on 23rd of November and have not received a reply yet.
  18. Mine is setup via VPN app. I cannot find the option under Settings.
  19. Same happening to me. At first I thought it was my VPN, IPVanish. Then I used VYprVPN and the same happened. WiFi is fine but Ethernet is disconnecting.
  20. Is it possible to downgrade to v2? I have too many issues with BuzzTV 4 that I don’t have on BuzzTV 3000 with BuzzTV 2. The most annoying is this: I start the app and it opens the first channel, then when I change the channel, it won’t open it, just spinning. I tried the same provider on BuzzTV 3000 and works fine.
  21. My bad. You are correct. I just tried it. It wasn’t 10 minutes but definitely the line was locked. I switched to a different player, don’t want to risk being locked by the provider.
  22. I got the same error. To connect again, I need to go to Edit line and Save (works without changing anything).
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