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  1. Today
  2. Yes. I have not setup vpn auto-connect on the P6 yet.
  3. did you have to have vpn off?
  4. Yesterday
  5. Took update without issue, and even tested teamviewer and it works like a charm. Remote controlled my P6 from my laptop
  6. Guys it worked now....thank you BuzzTeam .....once again TOP
  7. Will test soon....on my way home from work
  8. all good here
  9. All good!
  10. New one sent should work now
  11. Correct
  12. Probably turned off
  13. Had it pop up but nothing happened
  14. apparently it has something to do with html 5 no biggie since I have no issues with audio/video anywhere else it's only partially broken so I'll leave it as is...lol
  15. Thank you
  16. Issues on our side then Will get it resolved
  17. I've got home and it's still the same, emailed Allaboutbuzz.
  18. No, still same error code
  19. New update was uploaded 0325 Does it work now?
  20. Yes
  21. are you on the beta list?
  22. @allaboutbuzz suggested clearing data from the buzz ota app and trying again. It didn't work for me, but I've informed him of this. I'll let you know once I get a working solution.
  23. Then discuss it with allaboutbuzz
  24. Yes ....was this morning Message poped for update....
  25. Do a factory set To do a reset input 1986 on remote while on home screen
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