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  1. Today
  2. are you sure you're in the correct section this time? turn cec on
  3. you can program buzz remote to your tv and can turn off with it. did you check manual?
  4. Your last 5 posts have been in the L1 forum not the p6 Buzz 6 is not exclusive to the PowerStation
  5. then stop hijacking threads!!! you don't even have this model!!! is that better jerk???
  6. dishuser I am Just replying to your answer you said just tried my bt 200 remote and only have to press server button I am here to to argue with you you don't like it please don't answer
  7. It's paired with the tv, the tv remote switches everything off. How would that work if i bought a new tv?
  8. It wouldn't turn off from the button at the front either.
  9. Hi, since the last update, i am unable to turn the P6 off, from the remote. Does anyone know how to remedy this issue. Thanks
  10. it may be an android 13 thing because the x5 ss is the same as well I'll try android 9 and 11 tomorrow
  11. Woody

    Clear cacje

    When u go to use this option to clear cache it does nothing
  12. what does it show on right hand side?
  13. you need to start looking at what section you're in before posting
  14. Woody

    Clear cacje

    Yes it works that way and by going into internal storage. Im just saying if u go to the free up storage menu and try to clear cache that way it does not work
  15. Did you go into the Apps menu, and select BuzzTV app and the Clear cache for the app instead.
  16. Woody

    Clear cacje

    The clear cache button in the free up stoage menu does not work. I can clear cache by going into imternal storage menu and clearing cache that way but under the free up storage menu it does nothing
  17. 20250220181212 Buzz 6 Update V1.0.116 Changes: - Fixed a bug with Adult appearing in All channels and Last Ch history - Status Bar is now clickable for FFWD/REW on VOD Playback - Fixed some MAC Server Bugs - Info button now works in Channel List + Single EPG + Grid EPG. Please Leave Feedback Below **UPDATE WILL APPEAR 1 HOUR AFTER BOOTING THE BOX OR AFTER 2 HOURS IF BOX IS LEFT ON**
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  18. Yesterday
  19. Turn off Timeshift in PVR options
  20. either does the IR 55 remote which is what comes with the L1
  21. yes my power station 6 doesn't have a server button
  22. just tried my bt 200 remote and only have to press server button
  23. I was just making sure because some members with the L1 think this thread applies to them
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