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Hi there. Sorry for what will be a sort of long post, but I want to make sure I convey the issue I'm facing accurately.

I bought an XRS4500  the other day. The plan was to relegate the 3000 to a lesser used room, and use the 4500 on our primary TV. I am with a service that allows 1 MAC based connection and 3 M3U. They also have their own app, which seems to be a customised Perfect Player. Anyhow, I emailed the reseller and asked to remove my 3000 MAC and add my 4500 MAC. Once that was done, I input the URL to the portal and fired up the Buzz live tv app. It seemed to be working for the first channel I tried, but the guide did not populate, and as soon as I changed the channel, all channels stopped working. When I go to Servers, I now got "unable to connect to portal blah blah blah". When I fired up their app (which I'd rather not use), I was unable to connect to server.

The reseller suggested VPN, which worked on first try, but ended the same way: great, until I changed the channel. So I tried using their custom app on the 3000, but now this box could not connect either. I think that suggests an IP ban. If I take my network gear down for about 15 minutes, I am able to connect again (sometimes), but the end result is always the same. I asked the reseller to swap my MAC addresses back again, and low and behold, the 3000 was working. 

I guess I can operate this way if I have to, but it kind of takes the fun out of upgrading. So my questions are:

1) Does anyone know why this might be happening?

2) Is there a way to change the MAC on the 4500? Would it matter?

Thanks in advance.

  On 5/14/2020 at 1:57 AM, nbs. said:

are you sending the server id on the 4500 ?

it starts with 00 1a 79.....

no way to change a mac


Yep, that's correct. I only have the Server filled out - do I need Server Line too? (re: the video in your other reply) 

  On 5/14/2020 at 3:10 AM, nbs. said:

Not exactly sure what you mean

You need to fill out portal name and url in add server that's all


OK, that's what I've done (same as was on the old 3000 box).

The narrator of the video you linked filled out the Server Line section as well, which didn't exist on the 3000.

  On 5/14/2020 at 8:16 PM, dishuser said:

yes it does


Do you need to fill it in to use a MAC based sub though? It's either or on the 3000, yet he appears to fill out both sections in the video.

I have my doubts that this is my issue, because I can't seem to hit the server almost immediately. It's as if the box is doing something to get banned.

  On 5/14/2020 at 10:56 PM, nbs. said:

in the video he was just demonstating how to do both

You only use server line for mac addy


In that case, I believe I have it configured correctly. I tried restarting all of my network gear and connecting through a VPN again tonight, but same thing. Connects and works well for the first channel, no listings for any other channel, changing the channel kills the service. 

For those of you with this box, if you go into the settings and the Status screen (where you'd find your serial), do you have a really odd MAC address?


In my first post in this thread I asked if you gave your server the service id 

You dont give the server the mac addy

which one did you give him?

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Posted (edited)
  On 5/15/2020 at 1:49 AM, nbs. said:

In my first post in this thread I asked if you gave your server the service id 

You dont give the server the mac addy

which one did you give him?


Initially I gave them the mac (through their ticket system), but they caught it and asked me for the server id about an hour later. That was almost a week ago now, with many reboots and network restarts since. 

Since I've tried VPN and this still happens, I feel like it might be an issue with the box. Unless maybe there is someone out there spoofing my mac, how am I able to connect and then get cut off?

Edit: but it can't be my box. I signed up for a backup service that is working. 

Edited by dpav
More info
  On 5/15/2020 at 2:38 AM, nbs. said:

glad you got one server working anyway


I received a PM the other night that suggested that this is a software issue, and that a beta release might fix it. Has anyone heard of that? 

Our primary service was a lot better than the one we have defaulted to. I'd really like to get that back. 

  On 5/18/2020 at 2:39 PM, nbs. said:

since we dont know the source of your info how can anyone answer?


The source was username Sloppy Joe, who had a similar problem. His suggestion that this is a software or firmware issue seems reasonable, as I'm not getting an account inactive message, and the "cannot connect" message comes up instantly, with no reasonable timeout period. I have the old 3000 working with the service now, which had issues due to a typo on my part, so we can rule out an IP ban now. 

So what I'm asking is if anyone is aware of a beta firmware or software that is apparently available from the mods, and may help with this issue. 


Yes it sounds reasonable but unless he has the  same server and he has  talked to buzz then he is only guessing

When there is a server/box issue then you have to talk to buzz directly as  they sometimes have to do tweaks

go to getbuzz dot tv and use the contact us form or pm allaboutbuzz on this site (pm private message)



  On 5/18/2020 at 4:15 PM, dpav said:

The source was username Sloppy Joe, who had a similar problem. His suggestion that this is a software or firmware issue seems reasonable, as I'm not getting an account inactive message, and the "cannot connect" message comes up instantly, with no reasonable timeout period. I have the old 3000 working with the service now, which had issues due to a typo on my part, so we can rule out an IP ban now. 

So what I'm asking is if anyone is aware of a beta firmware or software that is apparently available from the mods, and may help with this issue.


I heard there's no beta for the 4500 sorry


Thank you all for your help - it's working! I chased down so many rabbit holes, but the problem turned out to be that my provider had my MAC in their system twice, causing a conflict. 

FWIW, I was sent some sort of software update from the admins for the 4500. 

Now if we can just get another 4500 remote for the old 3000 box, I will be truly happy! Bluetooth and the mouse speed are game changers.


Glad it's working.  That doesn't sound right though as I don't know any system that allows the reseller/provider to have 2 of the same Mac in the system.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  On 5/25/2020 at 6:31 AM, 416guy said:

Glad it's working.  That doesn't sound right though as I don't know any system that allows the reseller/provider to have 2 of the same Mac in the system.


I must admit that I've never seen how they operate. I wonder if the issue is tied to the fact that I initially gave them the MAC rather than the Server ID? Or, just spit balling, what if someone using one of the older boxes spoofed my MAC? Seems like a long shot though. I'm just pretty familiar with IP conflicts, so when the reseller suggested something along those lines, it clicked for me as a possibility, based on the behavior. 

Edited by dpav
Missed word
  On 5/25/2020 at 10:47 AM, dpav said:

I must admit that I've never seen how they operate. I wonder if the issue is tied to the fact that I initially gave them the MAC rather than the Server ID? Or, just spit balling, what if someone using one of the older boxes spoofed my MAC? Seems like a long shot though. I'm just pretty familiar with IP conflicts, so when the reseller suggested something along those lines, it clicked for me as a possibility, based on the behavior. 


The chances of having 2 of the same MACs on the same system/server are almost like winning the lottery..lol

As the odds of having the exact same last 6 digits are highly unlikely.

The series of the last 6 digits for MAC on the 4000s and 4500s have never been used before
It is why I think they might have just said this to you as the reason.

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