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Movies won't play


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Good morning members. I received my Buzz XRS4000 for Christmas and I have been fighting with it since then. Everything seems to be working fine except VOD and PPV movies won't play. I have tried both players and both do the same thing. They will start playing for 4-5 minutes, then suddenly stop and return to the home page. Sometimes they will begin freezing  every few seconds and will keep it up until you just give up and quit.


This happens with both players. I am using version 4.04.404, dated 12/9/19 and firmware 20191210.


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I don't have a server that I can give you. I have an IP address. I'm not trying to be difficult, I appreciate the  help, but I don't see how my ISP 's ip addy is going to help. The only other  server name or number that I can see is in the top right corner of the server settings page where it gives the Mac addy on the top line and on the second line mine says Server # (and the rest of the line is blank.)


Tell me if I am way off base here. It's a long way from my old Mag 254.

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Yes sir. Some of them freeze within 10 - 20 seconds of beginning to play, and keep on freezing and re-starting, others will play fine for a few minures, then return to the menu page of the movies. I have verified this on both players, many times. Iyt's frustrating getting an expensive new box and having it not work.


The good news is that the spinning wheel has gone away. Somehow it cleared its  throat overnight. 

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I missed what you were asking. The movies were working fine at the site last month when I was using a Mag 254. The same movies from the same site with the Buzz 4000 XRS don't work.

Server 1 


Sorry - I don't know anyone else using the same sever

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my friend responded

c and p


I have not checked recently with the XR but I been having issues with VODs for sometime now, does not matter what box I use or even thru VLC on laptop, the VODs are freezing bad here and have been for a few weeks now.
Most of my issue I think is because the ISP is interfering with high content streaming, but I not know for certain.
I been meaning to try a VPN but have not had the time yet.

Last I checked the XR it was acting the same as other boxes, weather that be good on VOD or bad on VOD, the XR acted the same as any other box I tested at the time, (including VLC or Perfect Player)

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Well, that's just great, and very interesting. I have a few weeks left on my "membership" at the old site. I guess that it's time to do some shopping. Thanks for doing the digging for me, and I appologize for muddying the waters with my lack of knowledge. If anyone wants to throw some decent and reputable addresses my way, I would appreciate it.

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