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Nunzio D

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Does anyone have the problem that the updates, favorites channels aren't the same on the home page when trying to move them into place? not there in the guide the numbers aren't in order like before on the home page. locked channels require a password every time when changing to a different channel, nothing in setting like before not to ask. 

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I have the same problem as you guys for one box when it's updated it reverts to default looses all the channels that took me a day to sort by choice (over 300). I backed it up but doesn't do much it restores the favorite channels but sorted alphabetically not the way I placed them and renumbered them and this is only on one buzz box.  I have another 128 and a 64 and they are fine it doesn't do that.  Does anybody know if the updates can be disable? I will disable them on that particular buzz box since it's the only one with problem. I've contacted their support and they don't know that's a total wash they have no clue what's causing that only on 1 box and not the other 2

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