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Buzz 5 Peacock TV Playback Issue


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My XRS4500 buzz box recently updated to Buzz tv 5.  Since then, I am having issues streaming with Peacock tv and Disney + apps.

buzz box kernel is 4.9.113, Sept 16, 2022

build V20220919.20220919 test-keys

peacock version is 4.7.11, released July 12, 223


Error message is

“Player Error

unexpected fatal error :CVF_VSF:AMCR:4:1:2”


my XR4000 is running Buzz TV 4, same version of Peacock and it works great.


I have replicated the sound setting from the XR4000 but it made no difference.

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This is not an error that is specific to Buzz (and certainly not BuzzTV5). Probably due to the newer updated kernel that is installed, which some apps are not compatible with yet.   If you do a google search for the error, you will see piles of people having the exact same error on pixel phones, tablets, etc...  The problem is more with poorly written apps, which are rushed to market without much testing on a variety of platforms.

I don't use these apps, but as a general comment, I would say try going into settings, apps, and for the apps in question, try to clear the cache.  Making a kernel change can often require the app to reinitialize certain things, rather than depending on the cache.

This forum is for support with BuzzTV apps (like the BuzzTV 5 - which provide the IPTV services).  For support with 3rd party apps, I suggest checking out the support forums for those apps specifically.



Edited by Emporium
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