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Everything posted by sea157

  1. Good questions, unfortunately I cannot answer these questions but I know Emporium on this form probably will see it soon and give you an answer. He is VERY knowledgeable.
  2. IMO means (In my opinion)
  3. sea157


    Could you explain in detail just how you do this?
  4. sea157


    Maybe I am to dumb to understand what you are saying but would you not have to type in the link in even if you use a phone, pc or file?
  5. sea157


    I don't understand this statement, I use the Buzztv app and I always need to type in all my information if I add a new portal or new M3U link.
  6. sea157


    99.9% of the time when this is encountered something is typed wrong in the link you typed in. Make sure EVERYTHING (letter's, punctuation marks, numbers, EVERYTHING IS CORRECT)!
  7. sea157

    Backup / Restore

    Thank you Thank you allaboutbuzz for explaining it to me, I thought I may have been doing something wrong.
  8. sea157

    Backup / Restore

    So you are saying it is normal for the U5 to do a complete Backup in as little as 3 seconds and the 4500 boxes take almost 45 minutes?
  9. sea157

    Backup / Restore

    How long is it taking people to do a Backup on the U5? The reason I am asking is because it only take me abut 3 seconds to do a Backup on my U5. On all my 4500 boxes ( I have 3 of these) it usually take me almost 45 minutes to do a Backup on each one of these. Am I doing something wrong on the U5 or is it really that fast to do a Backup on the U5 (3 seconds)?
  10. sea157

    Backup / Restore

    Wow I did a search and nothing came back on it in the 4900 section. Thanks for answering my question.
  11. Does the XRS4900 have a backup / restore feature? And if it does where do I find it?
  12. That surprises me because SurfShark is working perfect on all my Buzztv boxes and I have 4 of them. (U5, XRS4900, XRS4500Max, XRS4500)
  13. sea157

    U5 on and off

    Did you pair your remote to your U5 STB? https://buzztv.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/BT400-300_manual_WEB_v6_Compress.pdf
  14. sea157


    Wow give us a preview, like what good stuff is coming?
  15. sea157

    Time Shift Error

    Yes time shift is in PVR options. For the power key Options go into: settings/ more settings/ power key settings
  16. Does your IPTV provider allow you to have more then 1 connection to your service at a time? To be able to record one and watch another your IPTV provider need to allow at least 2 connections at a time. Example: My provider allows 4 connections at a time, I can record 3 different programs and watch 1 program all at the same time.
  17. What Emporium is saying is, if your IPTV provider uses your BuzzTV boxes MAC number to link your IPTV service to your Buzztv box, you may need to contact your IPTV provider to have your service reset.
  18. sea157

    The Classic

    Emporium, dishuser you guys are correct! After recording a scheduled recording the box will not shut down but it does go back to the home screen and no bandwidth is used after the recording is recorded (at least that is what it does on the U5 box). This is GREAT!!
  19. sea157

    The Classic

    Ok guys you are correct. When I set a program to record then went back to the home screen and shut down. It woke up, recorded the program, after recording the program it went back to the home screen. How I am doing another test. Setting a recording up, then going to live tv then shutting down, I know it will wakeup and record the program I have scheduled to record but after recording I want to see if it goes to the live channel I was watching before shutting down or if it will return to the home screen after the recording. I will let you know what I find out, I am hoping it returns to the home screen after recording.
  20. sea157

    The Classic

    I will test this right now on my U5 and report back. After setting a program to record at a future time I will return to the home screen and turn the box off. I know it will wake and record the program but I think after the program records it will remain on the same channel playing and not return to the home screen.
  21. sea157

    The Classic

    Ok I didn't think that was correct because as far as I know none of mine go to the home screen after recording. (4900,U5 and my XRS4500)
  22. sea157

    The Classic

    Is that statement correct (It goes to home screen after recording so no bandwidth used)?
  23. I have that set to 12 hour format in date & time, but that doesn't change it to 12 hour format in the manual recording settings. When you setup a manual recording the time format is still 24 hour format, I would like to change that to the 12 hour format also but I can't seem to find a way to change it.
  24. When you setup a recording in the PVR menu is there a way you can change the time format from the 24 hour format to a 12 hour format?
  25. I love my BT 200, I have 3 of them but they are getting harder to find!
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