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Xhumeka last won the day on April 2 2021

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  1. Update went smoothly and I appreciate all the updates/fixes! Especially happy Standby mode is working properly!
  2. Same - that's "Cloud Timeshifting" if you will. We are talking about local time-shifting using as USB drive or internal storage.
  3. Agreed - would be fantastic to have time-shifting functionality.
  4. I had some free time this afternoon so I unplugged the box for 2 mins and started testing from scratch again. Not sure why I was having issues immediately after updating, but my testing this aft had better results. Now when I enter standby, the red light stays red (instead of turning blue again after a minute) and when I wake the box although I get the following error, if I click "cancel" I can watch TV again with no issues: This obviously has something to do with the file commander app I have installed, so I wonder if that had something to do with the issue all along. I'll keep playing around and will report if uninstalling file commander clears everything up completely. Thanks!
  5. I can replicate the issue immediately after powering-on, and it doesn't affect other boxes (which shall not be named) using the same providers (happens on any i've used). It doesn't really matter for me because it's easy enough to refresh the connection, but if you want a video showing the behavior I can provide one. -Fresh power cycle -Connect to provider and watch TV -Enter standby (either while watching TV, or by first exiting live tv using menu option) -Wake from standby no live TV until refresh connection
  6. I disabled it for Google Play Store but I still kept hearing that annoying chime noise. I have now disabled the option here (when you press volume up/down): Haven't heard the chime noise since, so knock on wood that fixed it!
  7. How do you turn notifications off? Every so often I hear this "chime" noise, even when my android volume is muted. I'm pretty sure this is a system notification noise but I can't find where to disable it...
  8. Are you using a stalker portal?
  9. Doesn't matter what the power option is set to, whenever I wake from standby live TV doesn't work again until I refresh connection (or power cycle box).
  10. The issue I posted about originally still exists for me, but the new "refresh" feature added with the recent update fixes the issue quickly.
  11. Yes I am indeed logged into the PlayStore.
  12. Update from V20210221 went fine with no issues during install. After update I also received the above error (android setup keeps stopping) - followed instructions for fixing (had to click "app info" several times before I could even get to "clear data") then power cycled box completely. After reboot, I got a single "alarm" notification, but nothing since.
  13. If you or the developers are trying to bug fix an issue, answers to questions like this might help determine root cause.
  14. Blackmagic - what happens if you ARE connected via wifi, but also connected via ethernet. Does the ethernet speed remain locked to 100mbps?
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