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Everything posted by Mark7

  1. Hi guys, wired, 320 Mbps down load , 1 of 7 Buzz boxes running full time, All running on Buzz apps, No server issues, shows up on 3 different servers. This is the only one displaying this Error as soon as it turns on. Thank you, Mark7
  2. to see if it fixes the issue of course Not sure what this statement means.... Thank you for the help. Mark7
  3. Okay, great advice, thank you Emporium. Was working okay before last update. Starts at Start up. Shows error. Using Buzz App on start up. Stays on Live Tv display for a few minutes. This is a Error from the U5. No, I have not changed the Player. Why would I ? I am just asking what this message is ? Thank you, Mark7
  4. This is coming up on my U5 - Decoder initialization error ? Any Ideas? Thank you, Mark7
  5. Sorry, my bad... Mark7
  6. This is coming up on my U5 - Decoder initialization error ? Any Ideas? thanks, Mark7
  7. Okay, one more quick question, is VLC loaded to the APPs on the Classic? Thanks, Mark7
  8. Yes, still pops up Android screen. Thank you, Mark7
  9. No, the Android screen pops up randomly. 2 minutes, 20 minutes, laptop air cooled pad, correct power supply. Correct remote. Thanks, I'll just replace the unit, and bring it back to Brampton. Was just wondering if this was a easy fix. Thank you, Mark7
  10. Yes, I buy several units from the home office in Brampton. Thank you. Mark7
  11. Lucky MeIMG_5519.heic
  12. Hi guys, I have one out of several New Classic units going to Android Restart screen. The unit has the correct power cord, and has done this after 2 minutes. Any Ideas? Thanks, Mark7
  13. Does the Classic 5 have ARF settings? Keep getting a annoying Frame Rate Notification, and I would like to turn that Off, if possible. Thank you, Mark7
  14. Ya, instead of using the XRS4000 remote, can you Fix the Volume level, in the settings. I can do this on my X5. Thank you. Mark7
  15. Hi everyone, Happy Holidays to everybody. Just got my mom a new 4K tv, and want the XRS400 to have Fixed Volume. Can't seem to find it. Anyone know where the button is? Thank you, Mark7
  16. Hi guys, I reported this problem as well back on May 22. "Power Off on the X5 doesn't work. I taught the Remote to turn off the Tv, selected Power Off in the menu, and when I push Power Off, it turns off the Tv, the X5 goes to the Main Menu, Standby? , but the streaming is not active. Blue light is still on." Thank you for your support. Mark7
  17. Will try that. Thank you, Mark7
  18. No, correct power supply. Like I said, just started happening after the last update. This is my GoTo box. I watch it every day. Nothing has changed, hardware wise since I got it. Thanks, Mark7
  19. Found it, But it will erase everything, I'll see J and J tomorrow. Thanks for your help. Mark7
  20. Okay, were would I find Reset for the XRS4900, Thank you, Mar7
  21. Okay, thank you. I will stop in tomorrow at Buzz Canada. Thank you for your help. Mark7
  22. I have several Buzz boxes running, and the XRS4900 is the only one doing this. Thanks, Mark7
  23. Hi guys, since the last update, my XRS4900 has been shutting off for no reason, No picture, no control. The only way I can get it to restart is to push the Main power button, and it restarts. Is anyone else having this same problem? Thank you for the support. Mark7
  24. Hi everyone, It's a raining day, and I'm bored, but I just loaded a Buzz Tv Live app to my Roku Tv. Now, it is asking for me to sign in, using using my Username and Password, But when I go to the Website, it will not allow me to sign in. Can I use this app just like a Buzz product? That would be very cool. Thank you, Mark7
  25. Is the CEC in the Remote Menu?
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