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PJG last won the day on April 29 2021

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  1. Came back from vacation to the new update (X5128i) I installed the update now my box will not start up. Any thoughts?
  2. PJG

    Background image

    Worked like a charm thank you!
  3. Can anyone advise on how to clear the background image. I foolishly opened the tab in the settings app titled BG image and now my background says “enjoy breakfast” which i can attest that I do but I really do not want to see it on my television. Thanks in advance for anyhelp
  4. Good morning, Following the update my X5 goes into MAX volume mode without me toggling the switch to on. After i open the BuzzTV 5 utilities tab i can easily toggle the switch off. Is anyone else experiencing this minor glitch?
  5. PJG

    X5128AI issues

    I did not realize that. I spoke on the phone with a gentleman from California yesterday afternoon, he was able to show me a work around for the remote issue (not powering on) by holding the power button down you are able to restart or shut down the X5 so that for me was an acceptable solution, he also reiterated the OTA update will fix the recording and WIFI problems i am experiencing. Support for this and other devices is a breath of fresh air in todays sell it and forget it world. Kudos to BuzzTV for their dedication to their products!
  6. PJG

    X5128AI issues

    Just a quick update to my original post I have been working with Kuul customer service we anticipate the update will aleviate the issues I am experiencing.
  7. PJG

    X5128AI issues

    Both. It cuts out equally on either one
  8. Per my previous post regarding the inability to start the device via the remote. I am also not able to record with either of my services both of which have three connections available to me (it should be noted that I have have the XRS4900 and record with no issues) and the unit constantly drops wifi while all other devices remain stable which points me to the unit itself. Is anyone else having these issues and if so have you come to a resolution? Thank you in advance for any input
  9. PJG

    X5 128AI

    I will give it a go. Also Thank you for your replies.
  10. PJG

    X5 128AI

    By reset do you mean a factory reset or just resetting (restart within in the settings menu) then allowing it to restart. If you mean the later then I have done several resets inside the settings app.
  11. PJG

    X5 128AI

    I am using the power supply that came with the unit
  12. PJG

    X5 128AI

    Has anyone been experiencing any start up issues with the new X5? By that I mean when i try turn on the device it will not start. I have to unplug and then wait several seconds before plugging it back in. This just recently started happening I would say in the last two to three days. Once i unplug and then plug it back in it works just fine.
  13. Thank you!
  14. D none of the above. I am not sure what instructions you are referring to. I downloaded via the link from the post from Dishuser above. If you can point me to the instructions you are referring to I will be very grateful. Thank you Edit: had I noticed the download tab at the top of the page I would have found the instructions. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  15. Hi all, I downloaded the update above, found it in the file manager as a zip file. When I used the mouse on the remote to open it I was given several options. I tried several but the file will not open. My question is 1) how do I open it and 2) how do I install the update once I am able to open the file Thank you
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