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DRAG00N519 last won the day on August 15 2021

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  1. DRAG00N519

    App problems

    Oh ok if that was their concern that's understandable I thought they were worried that you were sharing your account
  2. DRAG00N519

    App problems

    Yeah, that's possible
  3. DRAG00N519

    App problems

    Your IPTV provider should be able to go onto there, subscription panel and look up your account and see how many IP addresses are using your account if it just shows one IP address I'm not sure why they're giving you trouble over the number of connections even though you are only allowed to have two, as long as they're not in different locations you should be able to explain the situation to your provider and they should have some understanding
  4. Correct but I find when using HDMI Passthrough some apps work, and some don't when I use the decode option everything seems to be fine I was just wondering if their device is set to HDMI Passthrough by default, and that might be the issue
  5. When you go to settings, and then device preferences and scroll down to decode & bitstream and click on it under audio device which one of the three options is selected?
  6. no worries man you got it
  7. I didn't go on a diatribe I answered a response like I said without the response my initial post would've been it
  8. Where else would I post it I'm not trying to file a complaint or get him in trouble it's just during my time in here I've noticed how he talks to people and at certain times it annoys me so I decided to say something about it but I don't expect nor do I want anything to be done about it I just felt like saying something I guess I could've privately messaged him but that seems a little unnecessary the only reason I said anything after my initial post is because I got a response and so I explained myself
  9. ok I get wanting to keep the group clean and organized and I have no problem with that but I have also seen dishuser go back-and-forth with Chris before and it doesn't seem like they get along so all I was saying is if his questions are bothering him nobody is asking him to reply and because he replies to damn near everything I guarantee you there are people in here that think dishuser works for them which is fine it's not dishuser's fault that some people might think he works for them but I know Chris thinks he does because after dishuser has helped him in the past with certain issues Chris has said ok no problem thank you I love your boxes so with that being the case dishuser might want to be mindful about how he comes across when answering questions considering that some people may think he represents BuzzTV
  10. Man if you're getting fed up with his questions you don't have to keep answering every one of his posts you're just a customer yourself right this isn't your job and you're starting to come off a little disrespectful let somebody else handle it if it's starting to frustrate you
  11. Yeah, no worries
  12. This app will let you see apps that are running in the background you will be able to do what you want to do with this app I'm sure you already know of an app like this but just in case you don't here you go
  13. DRAG00N519


    Typo sorry are is supposed to be is
  14. DRAG00N519


    For the XC API you put in your username and password for your subscription and then ask your provider for the server URL needed four the xtreme codes portal you will also be able to see the server URL are the very beginning of the link for the M3U the playlist it ends with a /
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